it’s legit it’s legit
Why BMW interior shot?
I would have bought a BRZ/86 if it came in that shooting brake body style...but I went for a more practical GTI instead.
Ah I remember the days when I was working on the rear suspension design on the new Pacifica at much effort was put in to make sure 4x8 plywood fits in the back.
You missed the roof marker lights
It’s not a shootingbrake unless it has a liftgate.
How do you open the rear doors?
national brand loyalty isn’t very strong, except in Germany, Italy and France
All the Nigerian princes must be making a fortune off CL
Replacing the part is a lot cheaper than bad publicity...especially having it in a written statement.
Rossi on vacation in asia
Best thing I’ve read this year!
It’s called a passport
On each and every day in 2013 the men and women of earth had over 2.5 billion orgasms.
According to ABC News, the driver was taken to a hospital, but refused treatment and walked away. He was later ticketed for reckless driving.
Seems like there’s bad news on Uber everday.
I do long distance drives between US and Canada about once a month so it makes sense to hear new music without draining my data.
It’s a good design but E class used to be distinctive and now it’s hard to tell it from a C or S class
Pay more $ for S class coupe or deal with it
Only a handful of manual 320i to choose from in the whole country...might have to wait another year for more lease returns