
This comment section took quite a turn. On a website dedicated to reading about stuff we like, basically none of it vital to our survival, who would have thought the group would attack its usefulness? Then turn towards the pedantic silliness of debating what is or isn’t a waste of time?


I respect your opinion but... ahh you know what, fuck your opinion, Kojima is great.

“It’s this non acceptance of death that I simply cannot abide by. By preventing people from dying the world becomes stunted in its growth and ends up maintaining the status quo instead of challenging it.”

You seem to be implying that Batman is personally deciding the fates of these criminals. He captures them, and then brings them to law enforcement to allow the law to decide what their sentence should be. The people get to vote public officials into office who then make adjustments to the current system to match the

Well that’s skewing the scenario to fit your bias if I ever heard it. I never understood why people had a hard time understanding that the no kill tool is to do more good. It’s simple weighing of the options.

I find it interesting that you don’t value human life or the concept of justice.

Savage AF. That’s what you kids are saying these days, right?

By “Japanese silliness” I was thinking mostly about things like “robot bear has kung-fu fight,” or the fact that the entire cast can have ridiculous titles like “the ultimate pop idol” or “the ultimate wealthy prodigy”. But even though I think that your interpretation of ‘waifu’ is a little narrow for the purposes of

Dunno how to work with the term waifus in the description of danganronpa and I wouldn’t dismiss the game just because somebody used it and you have some bad associations with it. This game has a lot of interesting things to offer and shouldn’t be dismissed so quickly.

Danganronpa is basically a Visaual Novel with trials in between. Without spoiling anything, you are a student who is trapped in a deadly game, taking place in an elite school with 14 other students and need to find out how and why the culprit (represented by the mechanical bear Monokuma) is doing this.

This was my first reaction. But piracy serves at least one good: supplying games that are no longer available (either though being out-of-print or not being available on digital platforms). There are many games that just aren’t playable anymore unless they’re pirated, and this can cause serious problems in the gaming

It’s not even top 10, or top 5... it’s definitely Top 3 material.

wrong Dante.

censorship by any other name is still censorship. Be it changing words, signage, or altering content. “Localization” is an excuse. Originally used to explain why companies would alter entire shows, games, and such, that they usually felt the alternative audience might not understand.

> People are calling it censorship. I really see it as localization.

It has nothing to do with people wanting to see a teenager in a bikini. That’s a dismissive tactic and at best missing the point. Especially considering characters depicted to be adults are not immune from ideological criticisms.

“My hope is that players will be able to concentrate on Lin’s abilities and what she can bring to your game and what she can do for the other members of her party and not just how she looks.”

Even better than that, both God Eater Resurrection and God Eater 2 Rage Burst are also coming to the US!