
Republicans don’t want to be associated with nazis, but just because they’re obviously nazis to you and me doesn’t mean they are to Republicans.

Yes, it will.

Pretty goddamn well considering the last president increased access to healthcare to 90%, prevented a global financial collapse, saw the rise of Black Lives Matter, and oversaw the national legalization of gay marriage.

Fuck you. I’ve known these people my entire life. You guys are the ones who clearly don’t understand them.

They did, and toxic discourse will lead to more people being killed.

What does, “prepare troops for the second civil war” have to do with wealth disparity? It takes two sides to fight a civil war. Deny them an opponent and they wither.

They want the civil war. With rhetoric like this, you’re giving it to them.

Do you regret writing that “Who we’re voting for” article? Or any of the takes expressed within?

Hey, idiots: It’s cheaper than the bus and more comfortable. Maybe the bus should be better?


No. They voted for the seat, even though Trump is racist. They’re complicit in his racism even if they aren’t “racists” themselves.

Please write about Boxing more and capitalism less. You are the best boxing writer in the world and one of the worst economic writers in the world. Why why why???

People thought that about Bush. Then Obama happened, and the left got complacent and entitled again.

FYI: This is false.

I find the best jokes are the ones that require someone saying “it was a joke.”

Here’s a thought: Maybe it was a shitty joke?

Congrats on doing the bare minimum. Shit like “She’s been in bed with the 1%” is both hyperbolic and, for months, deeply unhelpful.

But this is the exact problem. So many people worked themselves into this frenzy that it dampened the bandwagon effect. That’s how Obama won- the idea that it wasn’t enough just to vote for someone, you needed to bring along a friend to do it too.

Thank god we elected Trump, then!

CNN is bad news, not fake news. Clearly, since you think Hillary had illegal servers infiltrating Bernie’s computers, you don’t know the difference.