Accio freedom.
Accio freedom.
I lived abroad in Asia and clothes dryers are very rare. Only the extremely wealthy have them. In four+ years I got really used to drying all my clothes on a drying rack. It did keep my clothes looking newer longer. It was a pain in the ass to find clothes for my western frame, so what I did have, I took care of. Now…
Yer a wizard, Solomon.
Accessories are important.
I mean, this is just people talking to you, defining your personal space. When you're spread-eagled on a public transportation seat, you are literally defining the personal space that the people seated around you get to have. Don't be a hypocrite.
Only a man would think it douchey for a woman to resist being squished up against the wall because a man wanted to claim her personal space as his own due to nut discomfort.
I had this discussion with my husband, where we tested how close his knees could get before squishing his.... stuff. I told him to start from "splayed" and slowly bring his knees together and tell me when things get "uncomfortable." After going essentially to <90 degrees, he told me it was getting uncomfortable - when…
You must walk bow-legged.
I've seen really fat people who sit with their legs closer together then most skinny guys do. "Just falling that way" is not part of the problem. I think it's ego tbh.
Apparently, they must be fuckin huge! I don't know how you fit them in your pants every morning without a doctor to assist you!
I'm happy to re-phrase: Your balls aren't that big.
Funny how that natural fall seems to only be an issue with a certain subset of the population.
When a guy is doing this and there are limited seats, I just sit right down next to them and rest my leg against theirs. Most men can not tolerate another man's leg touching theirs. "No homo" and all that. Eventually they pull their legs back into their own space. This obviously wouldnt work for women, but Im doing my…
To men who do this: Your dicks are not that big.
Ummm, yes. I'm another one with unusual body proportions (5ft 9 with a high waist) when I find something that fits its usually expensive and I get multiples of it. I get crazy paranoid and say lots of prayers come wash day, when something that fits well changes size its incredibly frustrating. I also change into…
I don't hand-wash everything, but I do cold-wash and air-dry everything. I swear it makes everything last longer.
They should still be prosecuted for threatening to rape the kid.
According to a probable cause affidavit, the victim told investigators that Martin restrained him "in a bearhug fashion," pinning him against a locker or wall while Johnson would slap the victim's butt "and lift up hard on his butt cheeks."
Right, sexual predators never go to college.
No. We should not use the word "bullying" to describe physical assaults, sexual assaults, sexual harassment or hate crimes. We should use the terms that we already have, which often imply the need for legal prosecution. When you start describing criminal activity as "bullying" you give people (like corrupt educators)…