I’ll take this shot too then.
While you’re concerning yourself with who’s hard and who’s not—
I’ll take this shot too then.
While you’re concerning yourself with who’s hard and who’s not—
“Expecting Bill to actually answer any of the questions truthfully is pointless, because the answer would make Bill like a big, stupid asshole”
Jay Connor and Tonja are reinforcing some code of silence... that HAEY!! is just like the cops! And in both cases, they always ends up hurting innocent people.
Drag a bad article = greys.
PS. You can go ahead and get rid of “menace to supremacy” from your tag.
Dogging this fool because he’s a snitch is the least menacing thing you can do...
You are beating the hell out of this snitch drum like you got an appointment with the Corleones. But you sound just like the ‘bigboys’ at my PS... talking shit about those who talk shit.
So, snitching is the sin. Not the pederasty? The robberies? The violence?
This. New York sucks since it became a starbucks franchise.
Ayn Rand sold 30 million copies of “Atlas Shrugged.” Selling books to idiots has nothing to do with whether a book is good.
“This was clearly a learning lesson”
I’m legislating to have the water and electricity cut off to Arizona, so it returns to its natural state of desert. It’ll be an upgrade from the cultural wasteland it is today.
You very conveniently keep NOT quoting this:
lol ok
Pain, for all of us, is not an option, and we all know how to cope with it. Death was the easiest way.
If you believe that she became corrupt under the Trump admin, then you are part of the problem.
This fact will go ignored.
mousy governor
Alnes Gedlorf was on some vapid show talking about his diet and how he pines to eat white rice. One of the hosts even tried to walk him away from the world’s more boring conversation, but it seems Alson Engorge thought he had a tiger by the toe, and kept talking about rice until the three hosts submitted.
Your handle is misleading. Try this one:
“getting outta here,” “wherever,” “I can escape,” “I will learn whatever language necesssary on the ground.”
He does realize that his fellow MAGAheads really hate his guts, right? Or is he constructing a whole new reality devoid of repercussions again?