
Your comment just made some story producers very very happy.

That post on Chris’ tumbler reads like someone so toxically narcisistic, so deeply invested in the image and life they’ve created, that a meaculpa for hurting people was just an excuse to curry sympathy.

No, give fucks.

Or, perhaps we let people be in charge who are level headed, experienced and capable?

Tremendous bravery in the face of the same bullshit we’ve always face.

And yet we come here every day for them.

This opens up a WHOLE world of interesting stories in the sports world - how injuries/deaths are affected by medical availability. I gotta think most places aren’t equipped to deal with the type of care an athlete would need for them to continue their careers as athletes. they’re not exactly wheeling Durant into

the wonders of the internet, I admire him from afar. Hansen for president.

“Once upon a 2017, Big Baller Brand was primed to become the next big thing”

That’s what happens when sons have babies with their own mothers.

We can only hope his Jimmy Johns/Chickfila brandedinsides implode without lubrication soon after his sentence begins.

I’d go a bit further: It’s not a loss. Good. Burn out all these martha’s vineyard elitists from the progressive ranks, no matter who they are. Only then will the Dems be anything other than an opposition party.


I followed your handle because your comments are well written.

I don’t know why... it’s not even that funny - - - but this has given me the tremendous giggles. At work.

That car is ridiculous and dumb and I would buy the fuck outta that shit in a second.

You HAD to have been really high when you wrote that comment. So sad to see such good writing buried under so much shit.

There are very jealous publicists in Hollywood who wish they would have thought up this one-and-done stunt.

This isn’t ‘popping off’. It’s a much larger person yelling depravities in the face of another.

OH MY... I initially read this list as Pence’s daily schedule. Disappointed that he isn’t starting his days with strokes.