“Harden is good enough that he could win a championship for the Rockets next season in spite of all this”
“Harden is good enough that he could win a championship for the Rockets next season in spite of all this”
Fury is a freezeframe fade to monochrome away from his Dateline mystery. A human pile of slag who’s lack of offensiveness to casual bigots never buries him. He’ll kill a wife. Then kill the second one for not being pure. Both will be found less than a mile away from his house by the same unsuspecting Parks and…
This watch makes me wish bad things on drake and thirty other losers .
I read that as “Things white southern gays like.”
Well done Albert. Your exhausting examination of “you win some, you lose some” has earned you the honorary designation of
“Deadspinantor E Meritus...” Great article.
Here’s this headline for Deadspino-DR: “Attempted murder was hampered by unexpected detail: failed attempt at murder”
How’s this gonna wash for the patriarchals on the foxnews comment boards? I mean, the show is called “un-PC” so Tyrpyoid was on brand.
You haven’t been in a jury pool lately if it dawns on you at this late hour that our justice system is, on most days, a smoldering dumpster husk.
Real Question: Is the implication here that 29horses have died of related complications(eg, mold pathogen)? Or that the track is a equine demolition-derby of negligence across a specrtum of fatal possibilities?
Another thing to consider on the metro as well is mind your own fucking business.
Your brother-in-law sounds like an idiot.
My head is exploding reading her twitter responders. Reason 10,000 not to be on twitter: CBS viewers and trumpers are one and the same.
“It also felt pretty clear he had never heard the term cyberpunk before”
This article is extraordinarily bitchy considering Evens’ opinions, which matter far more than they should apparently, are ultimately pretty tepid on all these fronts.
The Bay area and Toronto are fixing for a good ol’ fashion douchoff!
fantastic post Shiner.
Jesus Barry. This was your “swing for the fences?” They don’t give out awards for the umpteenth hogshit examination of new yok and the media and thbeuuhsoboring-
I’d give you the pulitzer. Jolly good work old boy.
The only fault i place on AOC was tweeting at this fartpipe in the first place.
I’m known around my neighborhood as something of a ‘shotgun psychologist’, so this is in no way a diagnosis or attempt to cure:
IS that really it?