
SPLC lists 40 known hate groups for NC. And those are the ones they can track. That puts them up there with CA and TX for purified hate.

Scipio Africanus begs to differ. The utter and complete annihilation of Carthage was due to the Servian and Vesuvian walls that bought Rome nearly endless time to whittle away at Hannibal’s armies while preparing for what would be the second Punic War.

I shamefully wish for an emboldened (psychotic) environmentalist who, instead of trying to sink a boat to save a singular whale, goes after horrid people like Pruitt, as it will likely save more whales down the line than just one.

Though he didn’t have keyboardcourage you’ve displayed, he did do the job for 2 years. Feel free to imagine what years of that treatment might have been like. Or don’t! Because it doesn’t matter whether you have empathy or not. No one is required to be your hero. Or your anything.

Your expectations for North Carolina are unreasonable.

Any chance there’s info on what happened to this douchecanoe?

This is what I love about the NBA:On any given night, an opposing assistant coaches job is on the line for not anticipating an Ookla the Mok activating their adderal soaked livers to horse-collar an entire team.

So wat - I did all this when I joined SIGMA PHI EPSILON® and lemme tell you so sumthin if you cant take the high of the phi than get you can just gertthefcuk youtsnsigmaphidordiesigmaphidoordie

I’m less curious about who conducted this study, as I think we all have a clear grasp on the type of bloodfart who’d come up with this shit - but I would, however, like to see a picture of them (I was going to say “him”, but I’m leaving some space to be surprised).

Tom, again, here you are with all your damned ignorant words, and you still can’t see the forest for the trees. Portland deployed the “breaker of chains” defense, where they inexplicably let the boat guy peoples of golden state totally wreck a dragon while mommabear doesn’t do shit until later where she becomes an

Where did they conduct this study? Not to say their isn’t a sea of biases stacked against women, and perhaps I live in a fucking awesome bubble where women too can drink and rock out with their cocks out like dudes - - - BUT WTF?

The follow up study should be “why dorkfuck loser dudes drink alone”

Let me know when you post the story about the criminal mastermind.

In california courts, the term for someone who’s been overserved ispussy.”

Florida has a similar class called “Floridians musn’t give a shit about anything so we stay at the top of the crazy news cycle”

Those local tournaments in your small shop that you begin the grind to the top of the ranks? Those places about selling cards, not competition. WoC needs to sell cards to them. This is about marketing - they want more people (note i did not say players) buying cards.

Barry - I don’t know if this has already been said- But Deadspin’s GOTTA do a story about Marc Gasol/Embiid in moments just after the game. I watched the game live, blown away.

“Harden-centric, isolation-heavy”

Jack, is there any chance that by giving this shitpipe more attention that you’re helping him out?