Not entirely true. Electric motor torque drops off as rotational speed rises.
Not entirely true. Electric motor torque drops off as rotational speed rises.
Fuck this shit.
It’s sad how numb we’ve become to these school shootings
If my car is white with black accents, I want Vader’s march for my electric vehicle. Otherwise Jetson’s works for me
Should be a worldwide mandate. Speed sensitive too!
I have no clue what your point was supposed to be here.
215-hp is gonna feel great in that thing. Should be almost as quick as that new Accord Becky in accounting just bought.
Could you post a picture of one?
My guy I have a great car for you.
So nice you said it twice...
Eh, someone who dragraces probably thinks that English Time Trials are dumb. Many of the people I’ve autoX-ed with think NASCAR is stupid. I used to as well. I still won’t watch it, but I >will< go to the local podunk circle track and watch former street cars bounce of one another.
I mean, couldn’t *one* of you have given him a reasonable answer? The only non-troll answer is the Acadia, and he literally said he had no use for an SUV. I get that there’s a comedy element, but I thought there were supposed to be a few helpful suggestions?
It’s not???
Interesting. I didn’t write here then, but if I had, I probably would have given you COTD.
You know what, retroactively you win honorary COTD for January 6th, 2017.
The Browns are the
KiaNissan of the NFL.
Yes there is. It’s called “death”...
Last time I went to the doctor, he came in and said “Hi, everybody!” (it was just me) and then said that 1978 model year kidneys were really hot right now, and that he had at least three buyers lined up to pay top dollar.
I am one of those people. Surprised, I went and looked it up. Merriam-Webster says that the secondary meaning (“manner of expressing oneself in word,” with no implication of excess), has been standard since the early 19th century. Every dictionary I checked except for the Cambridge English Dictionary recognized the…
Tom misunderstood the “family of 5" to mean “5 kids”.