
What concerns me is the filtering, K&N’s have shown in quite a few test to allow more particulate matter into a motor than the OEM paper element.

Leaked image of final production version:

Don’t forget about the Camaro.

Judging by wrangler sales, I’ll take that bet. 

These people triage. They wouldn’t be pushing a car out of a garage if they could be saving someone’s life instead.

The owners were fighting about whether or not to keep it until one of them said, “Can’t we all just get a lawn?”

Window nets! ...good.

Your concept of seeing the dentist outside of the dentist office intrigues me.

I had a coworker who would do that. He wouldn’t hit the gas hard, but was just constantly pulsing it on/off every few seconds. I would start to get motion sick from the rocking and offered to drive.

Pressing the clutch pedal in with your left foot, while simultaneously moving a gear lever with your right/left hand is the only description of a manual transmission that I will accept.

Does any of those quoted times allow for primer and paint to dry?  Is Chrysler going to just leave bare metal exposed or bolt back in the parts while the welds have wet paint?

Did they change the front bumper in a couple hours? This was posted this morning on their facebook

If this happened in Hell, Michigan, someone’s Soul would actually have burned in Hell.

Does any one else watch some “classic” ‘Top Gear’ and find some of the commentary cringe worthy? I understand why people like it. Sometimes it is hard to watch and I no longer do.


I normally like your posts, but on this one, you’re wrong AF.

If RBC made a mistake I’d call it grand theft auto. Either way I’d like to hear more about this story, especially how his suit against RBC goes. I’d call it news, or at least a story I have interest in.

Makes me wonder where the average Kei car is made?

I thought Kristen’s night pics turned out great!

Meanwhile, inside the patrol car...