
But why are two five year olds flying alone on international flights?

Why can’t they just transfer to another public school?

French have been hostile since the beginning with the tornado Germany created, and the past few month didn’t help to calm the rampant anti-muslim feeling people have. Our society is already struggling to face unemployment, integration of people born on our soil decades ago - poor neighborhood for a lot of them, often

Meanwhile, Germany — a country with less than a quarter the US population — has admitted over a million refugees.

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.

Wow...insulting much? I don’t even know if my cat is black, white, or purple. I don’t see color, unlike SOME people

“I don’t see color!”

Nope, sorry. There is no excuse for referring to anyone like that. They would never write “Simone Bailes wins gold; Jew takes silver”

yeah, it’s crazy that no one can understand what she’s saying. I mean, you just turn on that song, and it’s totally obvious. It couldn’t be more clear! Personally, I’m amazed not everyone gets that. I mean, you can say first what the lyrics are? I also know them, but I don’t want to deprive you of the opportunity to

But I think it might be insulting to the person submitting to me if I hired them for that reason.

Yep. The gym is a scary enough place to set foot into when you’re uncomfortable with your weight. Add this to it, and lots of people will be scared away. The gym itself is intimidating, let alone worrying about whether you’re going to be judged, photographed, and displayed to the whole world while in the locker room.

isn’t beyonce in minute 14 of her 15? jesus christ i hope so

While the lyric, yes, can be read either way, they should have fact-checked it.

She probably went to a divorce lawyer well before the filing and the lawyer filed the papers on that date without knowing. It’s not like rich people just go and file for divorce personally.

I also read way too many of those seventeen/YM mag embarrassing stories as a kid. I haven’t had my period in 3 years but I know it would pop up the second I put those pants on.

Right but why do it right when his mom dies? Why not wait a few weeks just to be decent or at least so people don’t talk about the timing.

Judge Judy is why I never lend anyone money. EVER.

I don’t usually agree with her politically but I generally liked her and I thought she improved a lot while she was on the show.

I liked her too. Her politics are different than mine and I side-eyed her several times, but she is intelligent, thoughtful and knowledgeable about important subjects. Her contributions were often the most substantive out of everyone else on the panel. If they had fired everyone else and gotten people like her without