
Totalbiscuit, like most grown adults with demanding jobs, doesn’t like having his time wasted. I, myself, have about two hours or less a day to play video games before 1) I must sleep for work, 2) my wife complains that I need to go to bed. As such, progress loss becomes intensely more frustrating because your free

Planned on buying this full price, because I loved Shadow of Mordor and wanted to reward the developers. Because of the micro transactions I will instead punish WB by holding my purchase until a sharp sale is made (<$30).

Spike is a con-artist? Nope. Spike is a bounty hunter and former trouble shooter for the space yakuza. (Anyone who makes trouble he shot.)

I’ve been hearing that BioWare Montreal isn’t BioWare, but a studio renamed by EA so they could put BioWare on the cover...

As a lore buff myself, I didn’t find anything particularly damning. Neither the Silmarillion, Hobbit, nor LoTR discuss in detail what was happening in Morder between when the few Gondorians still bothering to watch Mordor were killed and when the Nine were released. Is it likely that an undead human ranger fueled by

Sigh. Being a member of the PC master race can be a sad and loney thing when games such as this are restricted to console exclusives. (queue the Hulk end theme music).

I was thinking about it and I reckon that the reason why health packs and healing are typically associtated with a red plus sign is that Hit Point/HP/Health are often denoted with a red bar or red numerals and health packs add back to the bar or numerals. Thus a red plus. With green being a prevelant openion, I can

Malcom: You gotta hurt him for me, Ben. Promise me you’ll hurt him bad!

An idea for Sylvester:

I think the primary source of grief is the “controversial subjects” clause. It means that you create a piece of content (write a script or give commentary, record footage, edit footage, and upload footage) and then are held to a vague standard to determine if you will get paid for your time and effort. It’s not like