
Remember they decided that campaign money is equal to free speech

I’m sorry, but Nicki Minaj has exactly zero credibility. Period.

Napoleon narrowly beat Treason

You know what will surely stop people from responding? Replying all again telling people to stop responding. 

Hope Queen enjoys their $600 dollars in streaming royalties! Congrats, guys!

There are many things to love about Drew, but the thing I love the most about him is how effusively he lives his life

How about the Seattle Slews?

Congratulations Oklahoma, on your 2025 NHL team!

They should just go all out and have Kathy Griffin, Tim Allen, Dennis Miller, and Amy Schumer host. That would be entertaining a f, from a pure shitshow standpoint.

If the host doesn’t end up being Gritty, I will be fucking pissed.

Looks like the Bulls should do more gym coolinand less...

Look, I think Christianity is dumb, but this is just false.

“Anglos appropriated Judaism twisted it and labelled it “Christianity””

The team was handed over to assistant coach Jim Boylen, who was left with the task of jumpstarting a young and relatively talented but extremely listless squad.

Hrm, interesting. Sounds like Deadspin is saying that the Cowboys violated some sort of unwritten rule, and that there is some sort of limit to gamesmanship that is capriciously defined by Deadspin writers...

I have a different take. Fuck the Eagles.

In a game that will likely be used to begin sleep studies for decades to come

Counterpoint: it's a fun twist on the whole choreographed celebration bullshit. It's called gamesmanship, and I'm all for it.

They’ve been doing that shit for years.