
I don’t read my own inbox. I’m not going to read all this.  Can somebody summarize what the scandal is?

Never tweet.

Where’s the article on last night’s game? It was probably the most important one of the season, so far.

I like how he mentions that they should look at the “five top female comedians” and then struggles to name three. The pause before he blurts out “Amy Schumer is the funniest thing I’ve seen him do.

Chevy Chase could’ve told Drew about the dangers of pratfalls.  Don’t take anything stronger than Tylenol 3, Drew.

They are probably selecting the wrong group email list. That’s very easy to do, and it’s happened where I work several times. One chain went to 11,000 people. From people asking to be taken off to people replying all to complain about people replying all, it took several hours.

Like how the 49ers can be good with Jimmy Garappolo, but terrible with any other quarterback, including Kaepernick.

It’ll grow back.

This was actually a smart football play. The play clock was running the entire time. The Eagles spent so much time trying to do their celebration that they ended up having to rush the extra point, and it was missed. That had an impact on the way the rest of the game was played, and the Cowboys won in overtime.  If the

I knew this would happen if he kept dancing in the kitchen.

I used to care about this stuff. Then, I realized that halls of fame and year end awards are meaningless because the people voting are idiots.

I have invited several sex offenders who can’t be in the same apartment as young children”

Now playing

The Academy was fine with Jimmy Kimmel dressing in blackface. They never asked him to apologize.

There is an extradition treaty between the U.S. and Canada.

Yeah, the Whole Foods episode was pretty critical. That was even referenced in this episode with Kenny living among the ruins.

Amazon has 90% of ebook sales. They fit a monopoly in that sector, and likely many more. They also account for 50% of all ecommerce and are growing.

The same thing happened in Ontario. The governing Liberals unveiled a climate change plan that shut down all the coal plants. People were fine with it until their hydro (electricity) bills started to rise. The Liberals were voted out of office and now don’t even have enough elected members to be an official party in

Walking down the street, eating a tub of peanut butter with your fingers, was perfectly normal behaviour in the 80s.