
So you’re for Patrick Morrisey?

From what I know about the rules of soccer, this shouldn’t be an impediment.

She was a very junior prosecutor at the time and doesn’t appear to have had any role in the case. Why print this?

It like a sweeter, softer, tire-shaped potato.

Maxi is innocent so, if it is a Kavanaugh metaphor, we know where Trey and Matt stand.

She only became Dennis when Dennis wasn’t being Dennis. Perhaps Dennis is a symbiote that affects one person at a time, and is transmitted through Range Rovers.

Now playing

I think most people just want to forget that he was a rappist.

The rule requiring cable companies to swap out the U.S. broadcast for the Canadian is the real culprit. It encourages Canadian broadcasters to simulcast U.S. programming instead of developing their own. The CRTC should get rid of the rule across the board, not just for the Super Bowl.

She still had a better Ryder Cup than Mickelson.

I enjoyed the old oil man sketch.  The rest was pretty forgettable.

I hate sand.

This could ruin his chances of coaching girls’ basketball.

There’s a major blow-up coming between C.C. and Lori. Between his feeling belittled by the director and emasculated by Dorothy, he will not want to take another loss.  I can’t see it ending well for her.

The Vandal Bonfire is a long-standing tradition 

Actually, this is about Washington’s NFL team, the Seahawks.

Spooge” AKA Howard Hamlin.

It sounds almost identical to the original. What’s the point of a cover, if you are just copying the original, note-for-note, instrument-for-instrument?

I think the league is fine with losing a few defensive players if it means keeping marquee quarterbacks playing.

That country once ruled half the world.

“The Brooklyn Nets, Los Angeles Clippers and New York Knicks.”