
Why doesn’t one of the large-liberal states like California or New York implement it? It doesn’t need to come from the federal government. Vermont tried it, but ended the program for political reasons.

It’s probably those same goons who set fire to the White House.

I don’t think Leonard would get a max contract if he sat out a second year.  Front offices would start to look at him like he’s Andrew Bynum.

It was on the internet so it must be true.  It had quotation marks and everything.  You can’t fake those.

DeRozan has a bad contract. If they can flip that for a motivated Leonard, then it’s good. With Lowry looking like he’s declining, this may be their last chance, so it makes sense. It also sets them up better for next year even if Leonard leaves, providing they can convince a free agent to go north of the border.

It has already been decided.

If Breanna bothered to call the police to check, it could have screwed up her narrative, so she opted for ignorance.

LeBron doesn’t really care at this point. He came to L.A. to concentrate on his showbiz projects, remaking films from the 90s that he liked, like Space Jam and House Party.

Croatia only exists because Margaret Thatcher ended communism.

The way his leg buckles when he goes down looks painful.

He is making the four finalists perform a series of sales tasks on the streets of New York. He is firing them one-by-one and will announce the winner on live TV.

I think she means “du jour”. De jure makes no sense here.

Trump University shut down in 2010.

Because of him, Natnz and Harper, that pronunciation of meme is, itself, now a meme.

Did they find their ball?

This is a big gamble.  His agent will now have to convince a team to give LeBron a max contract.