
Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

It’s just locker room talk.

Yes, the Iranian player was perfectly positioned behind him for the tap in. He had to try to put it out of play.

You’ll still count as a rookie after your gap year.

“I find that ducks’ opinion of me is very much influenced by whether or not I have bread.”

Toronto and Montreal have natural grass in their soccer stadia. Edmonton will be using Commonwealth stadium which replaced their grass with artificial turf a few years ago, but will be using natural grass for the tournament.

It can be defeated by goggles.

I think the Uruguayans, Argentinians and sundry other Spanish speaking players more than make up for that.

Nobody was going to get passed anyway.

Global warming is a plot to flood the original 13 colonies and make Ohio the east coast, thereby undoing the American Revolution. Why else would Cleveland name their team after the royalist cavaliers?

The players will be getting an invite to the White House. Trump might even let Ovechkin and Kuznetsov move in.

He could just nip it.

The heckler may just have been hungry.

Or, maybe just called a timeout himself.

The correct term is “bastard”.

I wish I was him. I went to the same gym as him and he is hung like a horse.

Based on the schools and the people that the accounts follow, the accounts are most likely his son’s.

Straws suck.