
Bernard has some human DNA. We learned that when he was able to open the door last week that only reacts to human DNA.

I save gas by going faster. That way, I get where I’m going more quickly and my vehicle spends less time burning gas.

Your mind-reading abilities are being wasted, writing for Gizmodo.

This Stubbs may be a robot replacement.

I think it’s pretty clear that they’ll be getting out of the house with all the bodies and moving to the blob. I’m hoping the blob is a bunch of livestock rather than a lot of new people.

That statement by Putin was made in a press conference, not to Trump directly. It was widely reported at the time. Comey must have been unaware and assumed that Trump heard it directly from Putin. Comey even mentions in the memo that he doesn’t press Trump on where he heard that.

Now I can’t use my “LaForce is wrong with this one” pun.

Being a lawyer requires membership in a professional body. Is the same true for geologists?

You don’t get a yearly bonus?

Eat more fibre.

He’s going to team up with Gavin Belson somehow. That is the only way that character can stay relevant after The Box 3.

His name is Larry. Only the two silent brothers are Darryl.

Arthur Conan Doyle did that with Sherlock Holmes. He was done with the character, so he killed him off in The Final Problem. People kept asking for more stories so, he wrote The Hound of the Baskervilles as a prequel. Eventually, he revived Holmes and started writing sequels.

I would’ve liked it if the whole Kessel run thing was a lie he made up to sound impressive, and that’s why he made the time/distance mistake.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was also a prequel.

And one of the things that blew up was the Twin Towers. But it hadn’t blown up yet.