
The Blue Jays have already played, and they haven’t done them yet.

People were just confusing Trump with Brad Pitt. Common mistake.

So, the Blue Jays don’t get one of these unless they win tonight?

Serena Williams has a medical exemption to use the steroids. They are banned for everyone else.

Hopefully, there’s a little less kidnapping and coercion in this version.

Except for Fred Armisen.

Portlandia paid In Other Words, a “small flat fee per episode” and that fee “does not cover the profits lost by our having to remain closed for filming.”

Tina Fey really got an easy ride on that one. Replacing an actress because she isn’t good looking isn’t the most feminist thing to do.


Or, during the national anthem.

Mars is colder than Antarctica. If nobody has colonized Antarctica yet, I doubt the population of Mars will ever become significant.

The exception in the 13th Amendment allows for prison labor and isn’t the cause of mass incarceration. That would be allowed regardless of the 13th Amendment. This movie is based on internet conspiracy theories that the excpetion was put in there to continue racial slavery, when it was inserted to ensure that the

Unless someone signs Ray Allen this year.

Many of the mountains in his native Alberta maintain their snow all year round. I assume he lives in a cave at the top of a mountain and descents to terrorize villagers.