
This is happening if we like or or not. And if you don’t think this won’t be used to just put people in jail then I dunno what to say.

No, it is the beginning of a company being able to claim you’re mentally unstable and then lock you up.

This is the reality of precog. We’re going to identify people who need “treatment” and then lock them away. This is why I stopped using facebook and social media years ago. I value my autonomy.

What? So cops can be auto-dispatched to shoot you?

People don’t have a “right” to mob someone and get them kicked out of an establishment due to... well... nothing.

I don’t find a cartoon penis to be offensive. No.

How about you chill and do you, okay?

Man, those kids will be scarred for life! A Penis! I bet they never saw one of those. Especially the boys.

Do you not know the difference between a breast and a penis?

This person is JUST LIKE the Repubs they despise: Mockery and harassment of people they just don’t like.

Don’t you know animal genitalia represses women?

Consider for a moment a conversative bar where a woman shows up dressed as “Plan B”. We’d all likely think it kinda funny and a fine costume and no issue, yeah? Except that if that woman who dresses up like “Plan B” gets mobbed by a group of conservative, pro-life women and is forced to leave the bar because her

Likely more that he was getting cornered, berated and yelled at by a group of people.

Sounds like he just wanted to wear a dress.

That’s offensive.

haha... good luck with making America original again. We’re literally at the place where we actually believe that all we can do is remix the past. Welcome to the uncomfortable-but-true place of postmodernism.

Maybe you don’t appreciate satire and parody.

Halloween is scary, yes?
That costume was terrifying.

God I hope he goes to jail.