
It is every upper-class person, man or woman, black or white, who feels like the rules don’t apply to them.

All the men are better people than the women are, and likely ever will be. This frequently seems true in general.

Then you often have to eat together, travel together, in the same classes, same parties, etc. 

Duh. Capitalism is bad for women and minorities but Jez authors aren’t exploring that root cause.

As long as you find personal achievement to be trumped, in your mind, by that which others place upon you you will never, ever escape others’ mentalities.

“[...]I was told that no matter what the circumstances were, I still assaulted him.” 

This incident being less violent than outright executing him on the spot doesn’t somehow make it rational.

My reading was that there was a low-level violent altercation. When you punch someone in self-defense you get cuffed because self-defense is a defense and not an enforcement level issue. The standard procedure here is, if I’m not mistaken, to detain everyone involved in an altercation until witnesses and/or parties