
it's kinda funny when you realize they removed a ton and there was still a car left

If you like never ending customization, Aston Martin is hard to beat. I found it mind numbing; Do you want your upper IP a different color from the lower? What about different stitching on each? What color would you like your pinstripe welt? Do you know what a pinstripe welt is? Which of the 14 shades of silver

Yes start off first insulting people to make a point. And i used to own a 2010 GTR so i guess that makes me hater of the year. And before you come to your own idiotic conclusions, comparing the 3 different cars was my intention and to make a point that even lesser cars if built properly can be just as good as cars

Certainly not the stock GT-R, because that's a Litchfield LM850 Nissan GTR with 850hp on tap.

Hahaha Godzilla the supercar killer. Well it isn't. Oh wait this is the part where GTR fanboys come with but look at the prices……..oh just shut up and tell that to the Camaro Z28.

It's worth noting that the GT-R in the video had 850bhp - otherwise I don't think it'd have been nearly as close at the end :p.

You don't need a person's permission to video tape them in public, and it isn't harassment.

His lists that are based on zero experience and arbitrary standards? Yeah, this is just another one of those. Worst Jalopnik contributor by far.

I let out a gasp and my face contorted slightly when I saw the speedo after he mentioned how it accelerates. Holy fuck that thing is ridiculous.

Seriously...."Ferraris are for douches and I hate them for no rational reason" sums up about half the comments. I didn't know this site was comprised of 12 year old spoiled brats/car-hating hipsters.

I literally couldn't believe how fast the numbers were climbing. I have a feeling the performance specs they claim might even be conservative. This thing truly redefines the word "fast"

Jesus H, some people on here have major Ferrari issues. Can you point on the teddy bear where Enzo gave you a bad touch? :( *sniffle*

Clapton's SP12 EC, without a doubt.

Is this a joke? $3.7M?

Distinctly hideous. I hope the people that designed and approved those vents on the front quarter panels were slowly tortured and then shot in the dick to bleed out. Such a fate would be fitting for anyone that foisted such an awful, awful, terrible, no good, awful design feature on an already fugly car.

I don't know what rich people have done, if anything at all, to make you feel this way but I pity you for it. What a broken way of thinking/living.

This got twelve stars?! What the actual fuck jalopnik. This is not the kind of shit we need here.

Yes, because all rich people are horrible and don't teach their kids right from wrong...not

Until the government makes that distinction and punishes them accordingly, the dislike for the gov't must continue...