My Head Is Shaped Like a Candy Corn (Hi Nolan!)

I’m not sure I agree.  Let’s see how this popcorn lung business plays out before we declare vaping to be safe.  The difference is, only the koolest of the kool kids could get away with smoking cigarettes in school.  Kids are vaping during class now and it’s a big fucking joke.  The Principal told the student body they

I’m sure you’re doing something to kids at parks

The funniest part of your post is the notion of someone willing to reproduce with you

I mean, I dont think Vape should be banned. I think that candy flavored vape should be banned. How about especially flavors like Cotton Candy, that no adult on Planet Earth would enjoy but a 3rd grader will think is the greatest shit ever.

Lol, I was thinking about that S10, but my assumption is he would tell his parents he lost it, they report it to their carrier, who locks the IMEI and it’s a brick.  I just read in our local rag that there’s been a rash of breakins around the town, now I’m wondering if it’s nicotine addicts rather than the usual meth

Yes, I understand too, because I was an edgy teen in the 80s and did all the cool hard drugs.  Now that I’m a parent I have a different perspective.  You may find that uncomfortable, but here we are.

Yeah it’s a good idea, and is also under serious consideration in New York State though obviously Federal legislation would supercede that.  If it’s just vaping tobacco flavored vape juice, or maybe flavorless, the tryhards will still get involved but the casuals wont.  That would be progress.

Believe me, I was shocked when he told me. I vape THC, or did before popcorn lung became a thing (going to wait and see how that sorts out before I go back) so I’m not some old who is upset by the march of time. On the other hand, anywhere kids from his school aggregate, most of them are vaping. I put gas in at

Vape is a fucking curse on civilization. My son is in 9th grade. He told me 3/4 of his class vapes, and he regularly gets begged for money by people knows so they can buy marked up Jul pods from some dirtbag kid selling them.  These kids are pawning their fucking Nintendo Switches and Playstations, one even offered to

I believe you’re correct.  Unfortunately, I also believe it is too late given the well below replacement birth rates in most of those countries for the native born.  Sometimes the best you can do is to serve as a powerful negative example for others who still have time to make the right decisions.

Oh, Splinter Blog User ‘the troll troller’ is bragging about sex with an 86 year old woman.  I hope it was at least consensual, but something tells me you’ve never had consensual sex in your life.

Well this is just shocking news. I’ve been reassured repeatedly on this very site that we’re going to be always and forever in a permanent democratic majority. In fact, Roy Teixeria has been saying since 2002 that very same thing. I guess the voters haven’t gotten the memo yet.

You do understand what the US did with their enemies at the end of WW2, don’t you? Of course you don’t.

Then, when the ‘youth’ are in the voting majority (lol, today’s ‘youth’ can’t be bothered to do anything more labor intensive than touching a phone screen) they can vote for their own style of government and leadership.  Until then, they’re going to be subject to the wishes of the people who can be bothered to vote. 

In any case, the think pieces are already pouring in, but it does appear that ‘difference of opinion’ is why Bolton was fired. The difference was that Bolton wanted a land war in both Iran and Venzuela, and Trump didn’t. I’m sure Vox will now libsplain to us how Trump is, in fact, wrong, and we should have more land

Disagree.  Do you keep WW2 going because you’re scheduled to sign a peace accord on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor?  Probably not.  The Taliban fucked this one up plain and simple and a whole bunch of Afghanis are now going to die as a result, many of whom probably have nothing to do with the Taliban, but are going

Bolton has beating the drum for a war with Iran for...years.   You can fault Trump for any number of things but he’s been pretty consistent in wanting to avoid committing to a new overseas conflict.  I doubt there’s room for someone who is a one note sally about wanting to start a shooting war with a major regional

So now’s when Bolton’s reputation is revived by a bunch of liberal websites who up until an hour ago proclaimed Bolton to be the Son of Satan and 10x worse than Hitler. I’m really looking forward to Splinter’s glowing Hagiography of him now.  At least you’re consistent(ly terrible)

The Washington foreign policy establishment are 100% terrible.  They’ve been wrong on every major decision since the end of the Korean War, and have cost the US untold blood and fortune.  They should be swept from control and never allowed to serve in any capacity more important than adult theater floor cleaning

Or, alternatively, it’s childish to panic just because your social betters tell you to. Especially when those social betters have 100x your carbon footprint and happily take a Gulfstream 8000 miles to a conference on global warming. I’ll treat it like a crisis when they do, but not when they tell me to. In fact, I’d