My Head Is Shaped Like a Candy Corn (Hi Nolan!)

What I’m saying is...Gen Z and Millennials aren’t exactly known for doing anything difficult, or uncomfortable. In fact, they’re so delicate that they demand the entire adult world become PG-13 when discussing anything that makes them feel bad. Not exactly the folk you want leading the revolution. What do we want!? EQU

Why is the young left such a cesspool of homophobic violence?

Oh, yes, we must all be terrified of the participation trophy generation.  Hey Mom, i got dressed up all in black and chanted about inequality or something!  Can I have more allowance now?   Yes dear, we told you, at age 35 we would give you another $50 a mo nth

One of the things I enjoy most about Gawker is how on one hand you have blog posts like this pining for socialist upheaval against dad the man, and on the other hand, multi page thinkpieces about how we’re all loading the dishwasher wrong and how you should feel bad about that, and how brave young people are changing

I mean, there’s absolutely nothing scary about Antifa. When they show up wearing a bunch of hockey gear they bought at play it again sports (or pinched from their more successful, engaged siblings that played sports), and beat up on unarmed old people, yeah I guess that’s kind of scary? Maybe? They get their asses

Nothing makes a white liberal angrier than a brown person working for a living.  It’s literal slavery!

Today’s American leftists, while no doubt a tremendously rage fueled group are lacking in some critical capacities to be able to lead or even participate in any kind of ‘worker violence’. I’m pretty sure the plutocrats are sleeping easy knowing the worst they face is ‘clapping back’ or maybe some angry tweets. No

You don’t care so much that you continue to follow me around!  Well done, not carer!

Yes, is someone is forced to do something, it’s slavery.  That’s not the same as tying your own shoes, and I really shouldn’t have to explain this to you, but here we are.

Thanks, I guess?   I’ll admit, Yessenia’s article got under my skin (IRL) much more than I should have let it.  It takes a really low quality person to look at what this Greta is doing and find a problem with it, especially when the best thing you can come up with is “she didn’t buy racing yachts for everyone in

The perfect shoes and solution for the generation who consider making chicken sandwiches for an hourly wage to be ‘slavery’. I mean, bending over to tie your shoes is also exactly the same as slavery, as is anything i find mildly inconvenient.

Snopes rates this post True!  Or, at least, Truthy!

A female of color you racist bigot. Because she scores higher on Wokeness Scale of Oppression, her opinion is more important and truthy than anything that this Greta, who should really consider checking her privilege more before she tries to steal the spotlight away from some kid in Africa

It’s because she didnt bring enough racing yachts for every child in Africa. That was literally the sentiment in this Gawker article:

Wait, one of your co-workers wrote a 10,000 word thinkpiece about how Greta is bad and evil because she didn’t bring enough racing yachts for everyone in Africa.  I don’t know how to feel, someone help!

The urban elite just can’t stand the fact that they’ve been outvoted. Repeatedly.

You dont care so much you follow me around posting that.  You sure don’t care a lot!

It’s an endictment on public education in this country.  It’s a disaster, especially when it comes to teaching about how the economy works, and history. 

This almost makes up for you guys outing a gay man and subsequently being wrecked by him in court. Wasn’t that also the defense, that it was TRUE? With a nice side of pedophilia by AJ to make sure the court knew where your hearts truly lay

Yeah you guys sure showed Amazon.  Nothing like a white liberal to ruin economic opportunity for the brown people of the nation