My Head Is Shaped Like a Candy Corn (Hi Nolan!)

This almost makes up for you guys outing a gay man and subsequently being wrecked by him in court. Wasn’t that also the defense, that it was TRUE? With a nice side of pedophilia by AJ to make sure the court knew where your hearts truly lay

Yeah you guys sure showed Amazon.  Nothing like a white liberal to ruin economic opportunity for the brown people of the nation

There’s a chance (I’d say 50/50) of the dems getting control of the house/senate/white house in 2020. If so, there’s a much better chance that they spend 2 years focusing on gun control and reparations, and we see another 2010 style bloodbath handing the house and senate back to the republicans for another 10 years. 

You’re obviously a huge racist for pointing this out. Facts matter less than truth

Do the staff of kotaku actually enjoy playing games, or is the joy really more in shitting all over people and bitching about things?

What is the correct amount then? I’m sure a highly accredited blogger such as yourself knows exactly how much money should be spent and have operational plans available of how to use that money to do something other than line the pockets of our jet setting kleptocracy.  Wait, what’s that?  You really don’t?  huh,

It also betrays a total and complete (and quite frankly, embarassing) lack of knowledge of how Communist countries have been with environmental issues.  I’ll save the smooth brains a lot of googling here:  they’re really, really bad.  100x worse than the US and other first world countries.  Hand the stewardship of the

Hamilton- another solid entry. I’ve been wondering when someone was going to point this out - people’s dumb tweets have been used against them since there have been dumb tweets. A certain group of people are upset now because they don’t like the shoe being on the other foot. All this pissing and moaning about tweets

dude, there’s so much wrong there I dont even know where to start.  I’ll start with, Cingular is 1/2 of AT&T Mobility, not a competitor. If you don’t know that, i have serious doubts you ever worked at AT&T.

Not for nothing, but AT&T is a much much smaller company, employee wise, than it was 15 years ago. I mean like 1/3 the size it was. Because everyone ditched their landline home phone for cable based or simply cell phones, there’s no need for this vast army of old time phone company employees. There’s been a valiant

You realize that the vast majority of that profit is going to institutional shareholders? Assuming you’re not some scrub tier starbucks employee, and you have a 401k, you are very likely one of those shareholders.

This site can be so confusing sometimes! let me see if I can figure this out

BDS is inherently anti-Semitic. Hope this helps.

I’m intolerant because I oppose Islamism?  Makes a lot of sense!  It’s ok though, you get a participation award for parroting the room temp IQ masses of Splinter, right down to the hatred of Jews and repetition of ORANGE MAND BADDD talking points. Well done.

Another nazi fuck identified!  Sorry about your broken brain.

If Ilhan Omar used an example from the Koran, you would have jizzed so much you would need a 5hp submersible pump to drain the room

You can’t be an Islamist and also be in favor of LGBTQ rights.

If those Israeli officials are actively cheering for the downfall of the US, and constantly cheerleading our enemies, then yes, by all means, I think we agree.  Again, as a soverign nation, we’re under zero obligation, legally or morally, to allow any foreign national on our soil.  I realize that’s huge and disturbing

Wrong. Certain members of ‘The Squad’ are just fine supporting policies and demagogues in the middle east who openly and repeatedly call for Israel to be pushed into the sea. I get it that the SplinterKids hate Jews, and it’s all fun and games to dream about destroying Israel so that the middle east looks like gaza

They’re both anti-semetic and anti-Israel. Why should Israel allow them into their country? Contrary to popular opinion here, nations are sovereign and have borders; they’re not obligated to let any individual in just because they want to stir up shit.