GOd damn how do you fit so much wrong in a single post? I’ll go on and assume that you aren’t a US citizen, or if you are you have basically zero understanding of the 1st amendment, or probably the rest of the Bill of Rights
GOd damn how do you fit so much wrong in a single post? I’ll go on and assume that you aren’t a US citizen, or if you are you have basically zero understanding of the 1st amendment, or probably the rest of the Bill of Rights
Or, alternatively, because there’s a single hyperpower that has no peers or near peers, who also has constructed a system of international trade that benefits nearly everyone that would otherwise consider burning the system down.
And what’s hate speech? Whatever some purple haired tumblrina and her twitter mob decide it is today! This whole regime is going to collapse and the rebound is going to be remarkable.
They are absolutely comparable scenarios. Who decides what is objectionable speech? American leftists sure seem to want it to be the Government. Great, let’s do that, but understand that Donald Trump and you may not see eye to eye on that.
Don’t get your order of events wrong. Iran has been defying the agreement since day 1, but because of the limp wristed approach of the previous administration, they knew they could get away with it. Don’t get me wrong, Obama was very war like when it came to destroying Libya, or wrecking Afghani weddings, but when it…
Are you new here? GMG is a series of clickbait sites, each one clickbatier than the last. They hire otherwise unemployable bloggers. The chance of there being any actual reporting or analysis beyond ORANGE MAN BAD and/or JEWS BAD is about the same chance that Elizabeth Warren is a literal Native American.
Thanks, I hope not too, but we’ve been building to this since 1979. Iran has never paid a price for what it does either directly or by proxy, so they’re understandably left with the impression that there will never be consequences. There’s a bunch of things the US can do short of a boots on the ground war that…
Nobody should be surprised by this. We can blame it on Trump all we like but the Mullahs were always just buying time with this. They got hundreds of billions of dollars out of Obama, and did what they were going to do anyways. They’re going to get their nukes, and when they do what they’ve promised, repeatedly, to…
Who even knew that Jon Stewart was still alive? I’m all for supporting the first responders to 9/11 and their families, but kind of hard to listen to a guy that would regularly mix news and humor, and if anyone called him out on his bullshit he would respond with “im just a comedian!”, part of the reason we are where…
Yeah it’s an article of faith on the left that College > not College, but unless you’re going into STEM or an otherwise employable field, a trade is a much better bet from a financial perspective. The joke is watching entire generations of very average people go hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to get a…
Yes, we absolutely need word and thought crimes in the US. Who but the leftist twitter mob to decide what we’re allow to think and say? There’s no way this could ever come back to haunt anybody. The Jacobins could not be reached for comment, however, as their heads are no longer attached to their bodies.
The leftist mob is tremendously effective at ruining peoples lives. Before one of you kool kids say this guy deserved to have his life ruined, consider what’s going to happen when the pendulum swings back in the other direction.
Because the people who make the media we consume have convinced themselves that we’re in Nazi Germany and that everything is terrible. This despite the fact that they are absolutely drowning in wealth and privilege.
Yes, every comment, every book, every movie, every word uttered by every human being must always first be about African Americans. Only after we’ve dissected every topic through the lens of Ta-Nehisi Coats, then we can get about our business.
I’m definitely looking forward to the hot GMG takes about how it’s actually analogue for the Trump Administration
Feel sorry for your own kids. Mine are vaccinated.
Your point is that you’re an anti-vax douschebag? It’s an odd movement, i’ll grant you that, but i expect you fit right in
The terrible band that defeated Hillary Clinton, you mean.
Extra dumb for the Norwegians to prop up Iran given that North Sea Crude is one of their big exports.
“Staunch Allies” you mean the country that donated 100 troops to OIF? I’m not sure how the US will ever do without them. Most of wealthy NW Europe wants NATO more as a way to tell the US what to do. The shame for them is that we now have a president who doesn’t give a shit what they think, and given their laughable…