
But isn’t it the point of this article that this rape was not reported? The video came out and the police had to do something.

Let me help you with that:

I don’t think they should be harassed and threatened, but misgendering her after her death was not cool.

They made mistakes. Likely they regret them. They were a family mourning the death of their child, and they were harassed and abused.

religion is so awesome. so many people who are so right about their opinions.

“ Probably a better and faster way to put a stop to this behavior would be...”

I called his office and demanded an antibiotic. I realize I'm not a doctor, but it had worked the last time my skin rebelled, which was also stress induced ... He abided begrudgingly (or what I imagine to be begrudgingly?)

Well, they didn’t know they we using the words of a white woman.

Even Obama attributed it to Maya...

I’m not picking at their current wording, but I’m absolutely picking at the wording of the survey. I’m a research assistant in an educational science lab. Creating surveys like that is a part of my job, and poor wording will completely destroy any conclusion you could hope to get from one. Even more so with such a

I think what they're saying is, if one can't deal with adult situations, like telling people what your reality is and not giving any shits what they think, perhaps one is better off not bringing it up.

Why would you tell anyone you aren't actively trying to bone? It's none of their fuckin business. It's none of your parents' business, or your friends' business, or anybody's business. You are not obligated to be out about your non-monogamous relationship. There is no civil rights struggle or larger social issue that

Definitely. I mean, there’s absolutely no way that the anger towards the author could have anything to do with the fact that, on a woman’s interest site, she basically called us all idiots for being mad at him for the deeply misogynistic shit he said.

“Give Noah a chance to fuck up in real life.”

Holy shit this, further proof that jezebel will make exceptions for someone they like. At least try to have a little consistency, fuck.

You should start a business where you write apologies for people. I started out reading your comment with my eyes ready in starting position for an eye roll, but you won me over. Seriously, that would have been a PERFECT apology. Yes, comedians use twitter as a sketchpad, but it is still public and you still have to

I’ll give Trevor a chance, but very surprised Jez is a-ok and hunky dory with these kinds of ‘jokes’ but meanwhile, oh my god Patricia Arquette and Guilianna Rancic are pure evil.


You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate

As a wise man once said, “Never Tweet.” (I think it was Jesus Christ.)