well, a NUN (minority) got raped so communal history had something to do with it, you know?
well, a NUN (minority) got raped so communal history had something to do with it, you know?
There's still plenty of Indian women to rape.
lol@ female puberty being "invented" for men
trying to justify a "friend's" behavior, are we?
If you pick a girl up from a playground, you should probably check for I.D
It's pretty ridiculous to say it's just an Oklahoma/Southern problem, too. It's a RACISM problem and it's everywhere.
Preach. She's a beautiful woman but that photo looks like it should be airbrushed on the side of a van.
While I agree that feminism, due to historical context, is more complicated than wanting equal rights for women, I think that Emma seems pretty intelligent and likely is aware that there is more to feminism than just believing in equality. The problem is that she has an audience where a large number of people cannot…
They take LITERALLY EVERYTHING incredibly seriously, including the prohibition against idols and the extremely inclusive, old definition of it.
Yes, long hair is heavier, so the curls are weighed down, like a slinky held in the air from the top.
I appreciate the sentiment but realistically if those are dealbreakers for you then mainstream hiphop isn't going to be your bag in the first place.
Exactly. I don't like Iggy either and find her problematic in her own right, but it's fascinating how fast people are to attack Iggy and how often it happens around these parts. How about some more articles calling Em a scum bag, ya? We get it, Iggy is a mess—- let's address some other messes.
I read a book about marketing to children, and in it they referenced studies about how kids find Cinderella to be the most "aspirational", and she is specifically marketed now only in princess form. You never see good hearted, put upon Cinder Cat, only flashy, corseted, Cinderella.
Don't you know? Fee fees >>> conscience around here.
It's not Lindsey's fault he doesn't like looking at women.
He also said this, "She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they would have dropped her off after 'doing her' and only hit the boy. The 15 or 20 minutes of the incident, I was driving the bus. The girl was screaming, 'Help me, help me.' The juvenile put his hand in her and pulled out something. It was her…
The U.S. isn't far off in paranoid xenophobic attacks? I guess that explained the recent rash of burning tire executions in Ohio.