Missed opportunities:
Missed opportunities:
I thought only the last few seconds of dog were CGI'd. Ever google "Hulk" the pitbull? It looked like him to me, licking some treat, then cut to CGI and start chomping.
True-Believer zealots are incredibly dangerous. They're like the worst kind of officers—active AND stupid. In the USA consider Mike Huckabee, former-lots-of-stuff but for this example, governor of the state of arkansas. He tried to pass major economic relief for the poor under biblical literalist precepts. Good! …
A few things that were missed and just might be rather important to an 'experts' review:
I have a bad feeling they're setting up Clarke to become the next Commander. That will likely be a poor choice from a narrative viewpoint but that doesn't mean they won't hammer the square peg into the hippopotamus.
Free Trader Beowulf, in the books anyhow, put me in the mind of David Hahn, aka "The Radioactive Boy Scout" who was perhaps a touch TOO brilliant. As a result he ended up accidentally irradiating much of his neighborhood. Woopsy-doodles! FTB is the same way. Such smart & wealthy autodidacts that utterly fail to…
Really? I had you pegged more as the sweet transvestite from transsexual transylvania. But the peanut butter test will solve that riddle. Smear a liberal amount upon your wrists. If you die from it, come let us know.
So after watching the trailer… When did they recast Simon Pegg as Quicksilver??
The even sharper-eyed (before they immediately stabbed out their own eyes) realized that Trump in his office chair also is wearing no pants which helps explain a 17 year old pic of Ye Olde Ex-Wifey. Good thing he went abroad for a new-future-ex-wifey who is illiterate. That's some excellent foresight!
If you're a millenial.
The totally unsurprising plot twist? My money is that it turns out the one who *invented* the kind of time travel used by the Time Masters *is* Vandal Savage. That, then, is why they've been "working with him."
There really wasn't anything Harper could do. She had guard duty and then Monty was unconscious. He wakes up, finds out sleep-deprived Raven has gone and fucked shit up for every single value of "up" then has to deletes his mom within 5 minutes of waking up. So that's an extremely small window for his new hookup to…
tl;dr: Love Murphy! Anyone Jasper likes gets the shaft. This week? Literally.
Show penny is way better than book penny. If only he could've traveled into a show dimension where other characters were also awesome, or, at least present.
Maybe for season two someone will point out that easter eggs are hard-boiled not spoiled. It would've been better for the writers/director to leave it out entirely.
No. To the best of my knowledge that's just a coincidence.
You gave Bowie two songs on the same list and included both an experimental jazz cover and a post-cold war song yet somehow managed to miss Queen's huge 1984 hit, "Hammer to fall" with its lyrics explicitly about a generation of children growing up "in the shadow of a mushroom cloud" waiting for all-out nuclear war. …
Episode 12 left with them finding Castle Whitespire, hazy and in the distance. It's also cool they discovered HDR settings on their cell phones which they apparently filmed the entire last episode with. The invisible castle I actually found to be a pretty clever conceit along with the tacit admittance they sucked at…
If you enjoy seeing Lisa Bonet working magic with small, guest-starring roles? You should really check out the movie "High Fidelity" where she previously demonstrated that gift. At a guess, might be where Dunham got the idea in the first place.
tl;dr: How not to do a season finale: Leave so many dangling chekhov's guns you could outfit the f***ing North Korean Army.