Candide Scaramouche

So, despite having the big bad-ass survivors AND the 'cream'(ed celery) of Alexandria's scavenger/scouts with them the proper response to a sprained ankle that would've been better in a frickin' week and a gunshot leg is to… Let them limp along slowing down the entire damn party until they get brutally massacred one

They did an excellent job of interweaving the season's already disparate plot lines. I hope they can keep it up most of the season along with episodes that continue to focus on one subset or one mission. That bastard Lash needs 200 of his own name. Why, I tell you, the Tommys home from WWII could take a hundred

Pity. No ZA? Harumph. The brazilian guy who went crazy and died—it *may,* and I'm just spitballing here, possibly might have something to do with his traveling companion, a woman discovered with 4 pounds of amphetamines on her person.

If wikipedia says it, then it MUST be so.

Pretty much either things are incomprehensibly stupid or so idiotically obvious that your average chihuahua can sniff out where their sub-plot is going.

…Until you pulled the stick out anyhow.

I wouldn't be surprised if Zach is the entire reason god has a "left behind" thing. Then again, Zach's mere existence can be used as an argument against the existence of a merciful god.

Zach? Lil' buddy? Can you hear me? GO INTO THE LIGHT. FIND SOME @#$@%^ LIGHT AND GO INTO IT! Schnell! Schnell! Schnell!

I wanted to slap Zach up the back of the head and go, "Gee, maybe immature 6th graders aren't really able to comprehend the subtle nuances of experimental biochemistry of the kind done by people with multiple decades of experience and more than two pubic hairs to rub together."

I'm happy to read I'm not the only one who majorly despises Zach. Honestly Eph, you can do better with an old sock. Why on earth doesn't one of the other characters accidentally lock Zach in the sewers, maybe with a fresh steak hanging around his neck and an alarm bell ringing? I understand that children on adult

Hmm. Well that hypothesis of mine sure looks a lot less likely after "Paris." Until they're raping, pillaging, and burning (never get the order messed up) can't be certain. But seriously, Ragnar's cunning plan was to drive up to the gates of the city, wave Rollo's hair arse at the defenders and then say, "Hey

Query: Porunn vs. Judith. Two female characters with disfiguring injuries. Judith has her side ponytail. Porunn…. is wear her hair long and forward to conceal… the *good* half of her face? To remind us that she looks remarkably like a Joker knock-off? I don't understand why. The main possibilities seemed to me

At this time the bible was only available in latin which, conveniently, 90% of the folks who could read latin were in church-related works. The services would also continue to be almost exclusively in latin in the catholic church for about a thousand years after the setting of Vikings. Craaaaazy, I know!

I believe you've missed the meaning of Ragnar shaving his head and donning Athelstan's crucifix at the end. Ponder his last words asking forgiveness of his old friend. Ragnar is going to imitate a monk to, at the very least, get an up close look at Paris' defenses or, more likely, provide the body to open the gates

I absolutely believe you. If I want a shot at learning anything remotely factual or containing an analysis deeper than a few micrometers from a documentary these days I'm forced to go BBC. So much for History Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, and even the last half-holdout, NatGeo.

Siggy's death—one factor the review and couch critics seem to be missing is that a) Floki haranguing Rollo about his fake-useful baptism and how maybe the gods didn't think it was so funny…Now Rollo's going to come back from raiding and find a dead Siggy with possible Gods involved. I am thinking that will play merry

I think I have a different take on this than any other comment I've seen to date. I still agree with Finn's death but I do not think he deserved it for killing 18. If you're a moronic 12 year old grounder who tries to bull rush the guys with automatic weapons even after seeing what they can do, spoiler alert: it's

This was the TV show finally doing something as dumb as Frank Darabont eventually admitted he did when he had Rick lose his **** early in the comic series. Some of the absolute best moments of the series that didn't involve looking at flowers came from the musical cues provided by Beth singing. The show does not

Picky Picky…

I usually love the snarky reviews here but I can't help but feel that the author decided nothing interesting was going to happen and skipped watching the last 15 minutes of the episode. How the hell else do you explain the complete lack of mention of the Governer suddenly breaking into 70s lounge singing while in