@Josh Duhamel
@Josh Duhamel
and if you didnt spill something you would immediately start your period while wearing it.
As we age, our looks change. Even if she didn't have any work done, she still wouldn't look the same as at 27.
You have to realize just how radical it was that this nobody, who looked not so much like the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie as the personal assistant to the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie, was suddenly…starring in a Tom Cruise movie.
Oooh I love that Bardot dress. Too bad spending $70 on a white dress I will immediately spill something on is against my religion. :(
And just look at her here. A simple outfit, and she really rocks it. They are soooo stupid.
Like one of those old fox coats, with the shriveled feet and heads still attached.
She’s not only a giant, she has the nerve to be a Black giant. A Black giant who isn’t even a model and isn’t even light-skinned. Just who does she think she is, expecting to wear dressy clothing and have a few designers respond favorably to the idea of dressing her!
My humble suggestion is that celebrities should wear fashion designers on the Red Carpet.
She is a tall, statuesque woman who can probably pull off all kinds of things someone more petite can't. And with that amazing skin tone and her crazy funny personality? You'd think designers would be jumping to offer up something out-of-the-box for her.
Leslie Jones is the only reason I want to watch this movie. I’m still laughing over her and Petet Dinklage’s Naked and Afraid SNL segment.
Oh I CANNOT WAIT to see how incredible she will look on that red carpet!
Hi, fellow Hoosier! Fuck Mike Pence!
Hoosier here! I listened to a story yesterday on NPR where they played the audio from Pro Choice groups in Texas yesterday as they heard the news. “OMG they struck it down!!!” The whooping and screams of happiness had me in tears. I literally sat in my car in the car port crying.
I want to know what has happened to the human brain in the past 15 years to make people take photographs of everything - the plate of food they’re about to eat, they’re reflection in every mirror, and now murder victims? I don’t understand how people can see a woman who was brutally attacked and dying or dead and…
No words to express my horror at peoples’ lack of decency. This goes beyond a lack of decency - everyone who posted pictures of her should be arrested. Peoples’ need to one-up each other with shock value on social media has gone too far, it’s sick and perverted.
Exactly. Calling kids fucking idiots when you're literally the one who is supposed to be educating them... Says so much more about the teachers, really. This is more than blowing off steam, these are nasty remarks.
Yup. Woman are always made to feel like they are overreacting if they find a man creepy. We’re supposed to be understanding of gross behavior and write it off as “social awkwardness.” Fuck that noise. Trust your gut ladies.