Their first problem was using Ospreys. All you ever hear about is them crashing, or getting grounded because dust got into their rotors.
Their first problem was using Ospreys. All you ever hear about is them crashing, or getting grounded because dust got into their rotors.
What did they expect to happen??? Seriously.
shit post.
Except that an egg that is eaten has never been fertilized. Nice try though?
Conway looks so gross. That suit is terrible. Quick, where is the eye bleach?
It is the same art style as BORDERLANDS.
The problem is that the crowd they catered too has no idea what a MOBA is, or how to play one. So they approach this as a FPS like TF2. Except it is not that. It has heavy MOBA elements. Too much for a typical player to grasp.
Yay for the unlocked roster. I do like this game, but the population is so small. I can not stand waiting for 15 minutes just to play a match. I did enough of that shit in League of Legends (still haven’t reinstalled! Been about a month League free.)
Give them Twinkies, NASCAR, and Walmart Rollback sales and they will do anything for you. Remember, ‘God don’t make no trash!’
Heath Ledger was more gentle with Jake than what is going to happen to us.
Color scheme of the game overall. Muted natural colors.
Lol, jokes on them for even wanting to get a sports car. Useless machines.
Started off strong, turned into a femyrally cry. You come off sounding like someone who can’t stay in relationships.
Gotta love these idiot jocks who are HANDED a golden platter, and they shit on it.
Hows that controller pad working out for you? this tax season is upgrade time. spending about $400 and getting a nice i5 rig. B)
Dismantling public education is a retarded thing to do, saying otherwise just cements everyone’s opinions about you as well. And no, I am not stating you condone that. I am stating generalities.
So when are we going to have a cis male to femaletrans midget champion?
such a shitty app lol.
My 06 Suby Forester lasted 10 years. I traded it in about 3-4 months ago. the transmission was starting to go, the AC was acting weird (hot to cold - cold to hot didn’t always work, had to play with the speeds and turn it on and off again until it caught and turned over.)