
“They’re making money off the worst moment in my life, off my body,” a Columbian teenager told Kristof regarding a video of herself having sex at 16 that was uploaded to the site.

Some dicks are too small to make you come on their own without manual help, no matter how attentive.

Maybe try a little harder for the fucking Oscars, though?

All that overthinking just to end up wearing a boring and basic black strapless dress and what looks like black pumps I’d wear to the office? 

Mindy Kaling’s not the only one I suspect is on the diabetes drug bandwagon. Ava DuVernay also looks much slimmer than usual. They both look great but I have a feeling a whole bunch of previously heavier celebrities are suddenly going to pop up looking way slimmer than before. 

I don’t have kids but from seeing my friends and my sister go through it there’s this very competitive, judgy attitude about the whole thing and doing everything ‘right’ and the worst part is it seems to be mostly perpetuated by other women, and if anything it’s only getting worse. My best friend was way more stressed

Yeah. I never wanted kids but knowing the reality of it and seeing it play out among my friends and sister etc made me even more certain of my choice not to have kids. I love my nieces and nephews and I’m also a great godmother but yeah, no thanks.

So you miss a feeding and a little skin to skin contact? Sleep is worth it for sanity and physical health of the mother. It’s not about doing everything perfectly, it’s about doing things well enough that the baby is fine but mothers aren’t also torturing and guilting themselves and trying to do all the things just

I thought it was ridiculous that people were pissed about the movie, and I think they missed the point. And I’m the last one to defend Benigni but that argument was really pretty bad.

Benigni is only tolerable in “Down by Law”, because Jim Jarmusch, Tom Waits and John Lurie prevented him from taking over the whole movie with his Italian clown shtick. Though I admit I didn’t think Life is Beautiful was half as bad as the haters made it out to be. 

Despite the recent court ruling, the resolution’s advocates in Congress—including Pressley—argue if Congress had the power to set an arbitrary deadline for the ERA in 1972, it has the power and moral obligation, today, to change that deadline.

Not sure I understand the question, or if it’s relevant. I just think it’s weird and it makes me wonder what her motivation is. Like maybe she wants to make a name for herself as some kind of amateur sleuth/pedophile hunter or something. But I’m also the first to admit I really don’t know much about this case and I’m

Maybe not fun per se but it kind of sounds like she fancied herself as some kind of amateur sleuth, etc. It’s just odd IMO. 

No one is saying it’s her fault, just that it’s fucking weird that she engaged with him for that long, and definitely makes me question her motives. 

But she only did that because she was deprived of the millions of dollars she deserves to play in a league no one watches and has to make do with a nearly quarter of a million dollars a year! Oh the horror! 

Jez has always been terribly ignorant when it comes to international politics. And laughably US-centric, as this hot take aptly demonstrates. Their world view is about as narrow as your average Republican’s. 

The headline is misleading. DeSantis was off the guest list not because they think his politics suck but because the bride’s parents (and probably the bride) are known Trumpers. Even if they pretended to renegue him publicly after the Jan 6 riots and likely only because it was going to affect his bottom line.

It’s kind of ironic that she had such an issue with public hearings considering she’s pretty much airing all her dirty laundry in public anyway. I had never heard of this woman before until today and now I know more about her finances and her relationship than some people I know in real life lol

Sometimes I think some people are just really really self-involved and like to indulge in really masturbatory (no pun intended) overthinking about their identity and how they can break it down to the most granular level imaginable and it sounds like they care more about going on and on about how oppressed they feel by