
Helena more than Tatjana IMO. 

She totally is. Similar to Heidi Klum who was popular but mostly did Victoria’s Secret and other more mainstream stuff, not haute couture and just didn’t have the same cachet as Linda, Naomi, Kate, Helena, etc.

I love Rihanna and her beauty line is great but her lingerie is ugly and cheap/trashy looking so really Depp will fit right in.

Yeah seriously. I was a teen very into fashion in the 90s and knew all the supermodels and… she isn’t one of them. Not even Tyra level second tier supermodel. 

Agreed. But even if obesity complicates pregnancy and can contribute to higher mortality rates, this jackass is ignoring that obesity (and diabetes and HBP) are linked to poverty and lack of access to healthy food and healthcare. Poverty isn’t a ‘lifestyle’. 

Except obesity (and more importantly, comorbidities like high blood pressure and diabetes) is linked to poverty in the US, which is linked to race, because of lack of access and opportunities. So it might be true obesity plays a role but it’s not the cause in the way this asshole is trying to say it is, unless he

Raise eyebrows, sure. but then let it the fuck go, no? And I would argue they’re not raising questions so much as answering them by assuming the worst.

LOL I think it’s brilliant. Halloween is supposed to be gruesome and outlandish and yes, even offensive and I’m getting a huge kick out of the offended tweets.

Anything rented, store bought or that requires professional make-up artists and costume designers is an automatic fail. Home made or bust.

I think it’s probably the source of a lot of his rage and aggressiveness and it only made him more determined to force himself on women. Like, they’re never going to choose him for his dick or his face but he’ll use his power and money to force them to give him what he otherwise could never have.

What is Jenner’s issue? Is it that Dylan hasn’t had bottom surgery and therefore can’t, in her view, identify as a trans woman? Does she actually think Republicans accept trans women who have had bottom surgery? The level of cognitive dissonance it must take to be Caitlyn Jenner and remain a Republican must be

I would rather see someone completely naked than whale tails, most cutouts, or wearing low cut pants. So not a prudishness thing at all, I just they look ugly, even if you have an amazing body. 

When Rapp first went publicly with his claims in 2017, Spacey was contrite, offering, “the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.” In court, Spacey said he was pressured by his publicist to make that statement.“I was being encouraged to apologize and I’ve learned a lesson,

No worries. I was being pretty facetious, I could see how you could misunderstand my point. 

Different people have different experiences with age differences in relationships. I agree it can be fertile ground for grooming or unhealthy power dynamics but that’s not a given either. At 20 I was dating a guy almost 10 years older and it was a loving and amazing relationship that set a high bar for any man that I

The unquestioning obsession with power differentials like it’s some unquestionable absolute is just typical baby progressive amateur hour. Power differential doesn’t mean a relationship is inherently unequal or abusive. Adults are also perfectly capable of deciding to be in a relationship with someone with more

Maybe she likes older men? I have friends who do and they say part of it is they’re a lot more certain of what they want and are willing to commit to a relationship far more quickly than their younger counterparts who, especially if they have money and success, still want to date around and aren’t looking to commit.

Never said it did. Like I said to that commenter in a follow up comment, I “never said I was judging. My point is it’s a choice, they’re not victims. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement and no one’s a victim”. So I’m actually agreeing with you. 

Never said I was judging. My point is  it’s a choice, they’re not victims. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement and no one’s a victim.

In a similar vein, why would a young woman want to be saddled with an old dude with baggage and older kids?