
This deserves 1000 stars

Maybe not dumb per se but she always had dumb politics.

The best thing about most Claire Denis films are usually the soundtracks, especially if Tindersticks do them.

Honestly even when she was a revolutionary leftie, she wasn’t all that bright... Love her music but she’s been an idiot forever.

This. I mean, he sounds like a bit of a dick and a weirdo anti-vaxxer but he might also have a case if the comments about his Irish origin are true.

And how does an abortion prevent a crime from being investigated? 

So making those victims of incest give birth seems like a good solution to you?

Why should it matter?

I know that but Jez has the worst takes ever on comedy, and also not all comedy has to speak to power in order to be funny. Comedy can exist without punching up or down, like a lot of absurdist humor.

Billionaires, for the record, cannot be funny, because they are the power to which comedic truth is spoken.

Is there a single documented case of anything worse than pennies or toothbrushes being handed out on Halloween?

AA was founded on Christian principles.

I agree that, electorally speaking, abortion might not be the strongest issue.

I mean, I certainly hope so. But I remain skeptical until I see it happen. 

That’s how I understood your comment.

I need to find it now but there was a whole article about how those polls don’t/won’t necessarily translate to votes come election time.

I don’t think Bernie needed to write that op-ed but at the same time (and I’m far from a Bernie bro as anyone who’s familiar with my comments here knows), he’s not entirely wrong in the sense that abortion isn’t driving as many people to the polls to vote Democratic as progressives would like to think.

The three surviving Try Guys are still processing monetizing the trauma “trauma” of their friend getting distracted and having a consensual workplace affair.

I had never heard of them either until one stuck his dick in an employee but I now know enough to say it’s definitely a good thing.

The fact that we’re considering trading the world’s most notorious weapons dealer for her is amazing enough on its own. It’s a shitty situation that I don’t see getting better anytime soon.