
their efforts to make language more inclusive would not involve removing the term ‘woman’ from the language, because the midwifery profession is very much aware of its history and that it provided a counterpoint to male doctor-centric hospital birthing practices that emerged in the past couple of centuries. Women were

This coming from the guy who thinks ‘defund the police’ should still be a thing despite the fact that it’s failed to gain any traction beyond the fringe left and city-dwelling elites and despite the fact that it’s probably helped the other side morer? But god forbid progressives budge on their ideological

Are we also doing away with the word ‘men’ for ‘penis-havers’ or ‘insemination-capable people’?

I will never have children and I still don’t like the idea of doing away with woman/women, for any reason. And I think a lot of women feel similarly and this is really a ridiculous hill to die on, one that will alienate more people than anything else, and - because the left sucks at messaging and thinks shaming and

I’m fine with “women and birthing people” or “women and menstruators” or any other term people want, but I’m not ready to give up on woman/women because women are still struggling to achieve equal rights and the word’s existence doesn’t preclude that of people with other gender identities, but they can be listed in

Are you one of those morons who thinks a revolution is a viable plan? 

Except....people have been voting for “less than perfect” for decades and still get fucked and we still have a catastrophe. It doesn’t seem to alter the outcome much.

So you don’t talk about stuff because god forbid people realize even supremely talented Black women are human and fallible? Stop idolizing people, it serves nobody. 

Feminism doesn’t mean hiding women’s bad behaviour from view or censoring it from the public. Plus, Jezebel has always written about pop culture and celebrity gossip. 

This. Sorry but the US (rightfully) isn’t dropping sanctions on Rusia or convincing its NATO partners to stop supporting Zelensky and let Russia have Ukraine just so that Griner can come home.

And how do you “make changes” when Democrats don’t actually have workable majorities in Congress or the Senate?

pray tell, what’s within their power to do?

Then just resign yourself to the Taliban Court continuing to fuck people over and turn the US into a theocracy. If this won’t compel people in this country to vote, nothing will. You don’t hold out your vote until perfect politicians come along, you vote to prevent a fucking catastrophe.  

The roads to federal land are controlled by states. Women wouldn’t even be able to get there since all it would take to prevent them from doing that is blocking access and you know these backwards fuckers wouldn’t hesitate to do that. 

Plus those states control the roads leading to that federal land and they would just block access.

It’s incredible how people around here don’t seem to understand that. People have to fucking vote. Yes, it would be amazing if election days were public holidays but until that happens, people still have to vote, even if it’s harder than we’d like. Even if it means having to plan and organize so they can do it, and

Oh look, it’s you again refusing to answer questions that would make it obvious you don’t actually know what you’re talking about. So again, if not through voting, what’s the solution? 

Not the Democrats. They barely have a majority in Congress and their Senate majority is too weak to pass anything really substantial. Voting is the only way to change those majorities. Look at the percentage of Americans who vote compared to other Western countries. And under 30s voting numbers are downright

When did they have the votes to codify Roe as long as the filibuster is still a thing and even if they had how could that have prevented the Supreme Court from tossing it out? 

The author of this piece who questions the usefulness of voting in addition to displaying her near total ignorance of how government works.