
I think it’s just a matter of time before this works its way up to the Supreme Court, and we know how they’re going to rule.

Sick people can also just be assholes, and it’s not necessarily linked to their illnesses/disorders. 

I never got the Steve love. He’s whiny and passive aggressive and I think his and Miranda’s relationship was always there as the example of what happens when you settle for a man you’re not actually in love with, and I always hated that that was the storyline they saddled Miranda with, instead of giving her a real

That would be the case for normal people but for someone with his ego and narcissism, riding off into the sunset with 100 million isn’t ‘winning’, he wants to redeem himself and his legacy, otherwise he wouldn’t have done that ridiculous interview in the first place.

I agree with you except for the last part. Whedon doesn’t win (and I loved his old stuff before he got into stupid superhero shit), and that New York piece was almost as bad as the Prince Andrew TV interview in terms of proving to the world what a fucking narcissistic delusional asshole you are.

Anatomy aside, there’s a larger issue with this charity candle. Yes, I’m glad she’s raising money for abortion rights. The ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project does amazing work and is currently involved in the lawsuits over the Texas abortion ban, and many other restrictions. But legal groups like the ACLU and Center

I don’t watch football but I know enough about the NFL to wonder why the fuck would any women still want to be involved with the league in any capacity at all when it’s clear they don’t give a fuck about anything except money. 

Yeah, Australia was kind of the other end of the spectrum, clinging to covid zero way too long when it was clear that ship had sailed, and thinking they could shut themselves off from the world forever and then of course the minute they finally opened up it went to shit and everyone caught it all at once instead of

Oh, I totally agree, sorry if that wasn’t clear I was complaining more about the bigger picture of Covid in the US, not just the tests. I still don’t know why at home tests weren’t approved for use in the US sooner when Europe has been using them for at least the better part of a year and many of them are manufactured

Haha something like that. But Moira is an icon and Catherine O’Hara is brilliant and funny and I could watch her read the phone book and it would be endlessly entertaining and brilliant.

I can’t remember the last time I read anything about them that wasn’t some idiotic, ignorant self-involved crap like that frozen yogurt nonsense, or an overdose/mental breakdown. Do they even work anymore? 

Honestly? No. At least not in the case of the friends and acquaintances I’m referring to. Most of them were already hypochondriacs and extremely risk averse and hyper anxious in the before times, and the pandemic just really, really exacerbated their neuroses. And they were this bad even before omicron which is the

Absolutely. I addressed my mistake in my response to ladymarlborough a few comments down. 

Fuck. You’re totally right and I totally forgot. I would edit my comments if I still could. 

Yeah I’ve seen this happen in people I know too, it’s like Covid brought out the worst of their paranoia, hypochondria, anxiety, extreme risk aversion, etc. The worst is a few of them think they’re 100% right and the rest of the world is wrong, and don’t understand they’re the ones with the problem and that it’s

Yes, totally right about the paranoia. I live in DC, city of neurotic nerds, and maaaaaaan, there are people here who are living like it’s still 2020 and there are no vaccines, and probably wear masks to fuck and shower. It’s beyond irrational.

But then she wouldn’t get the attention she craves and I think she’d rather die.


I hate contouring and I blame the Kardashians for making that shit mainstream. I hope the heavy make up trend goes away. When I look at the number of products some people apply daily I’m like what the fuck? And most girls look older with it, and it actually makes their skin look worse IMO. 

Noooo. Don’t touch your nose.