
Fucking kinja ate the rest of my comment that went with the link.

I keep telling everyone I know to watch this show. It’s so fucking good. 

I agree it’s not that Europe is an ideal - no place is - but at least they’ve suffered enough and in recent enough memory that they behave less like spoiled children than Americans of all political convictions.

You’re right that I have a bone to pick with the US left, because the right is irredeemable in the US so I’m more critical of the side I have more in common with. It’s not that complicated. And I never said it was only extreme individualism or identity politics, but those are traits that are more dominant in US

Totally agree. Orlando Bloom is almost up there with Rob Lowe in the category of men who are almost too pretty. 


I’m not actively positioning myself anywhere, it’s where my beliefs lie, and this after studying politics and history and then working in international relations for the past 15 years, so it’s not like this is coming out of nowhere. Why would I pretend to have different beliefs, experiences and convictions? I’m

Who said anything about bipartisanship? The Republicans are so far gone to the right these days there’s only like 5 of them that even count as semi-reasonable adults, and even that’s pushing it.

Yeah that’s true. And I don’t think this show would try a stunt like that. 

Oh for fuck’s sake, get your head out of your butt, we’re not writing an academic paper. I think everyone can pretty much agree on what we mean by the left and right in the general, cultural sense, in the media and on social media.

Just off the top of my head, what about Jezebel writing a bitchy piece on Alison Roman getting a CNN deal? As if she hadn’t suffered consequences - and rightfully so, but let’s not act as if she did anything worthy of never having a platform again. She lost her column, her reputation suffered, and she’s not the ‘next

I mean, it’s pretty rancid so you’re not wrong. 

You’re forgetting those on what I like to call the moral crusading left saying it doesn’t exist because their calls for people to lose their jobs forever for minor shit they said a decade ago “didn’t work” because they only lost their job and reputation but they managed to come back in some capacity a couple of years

First of all, do Garfield and Barnes really look all that different, to the extent that one meets an adequate “handsomeness” threshold and the other does not?

I mean, I hate the Catholic church (Francis himself is less sucky than usual as far as popes go, which isn’t saying much) but I also hate cancel culture. Specifically, I hate how both the far left and the far right use it to try to control the discourse and mold society into their narrow ideological ideal, to the

This is hilarious. And harmless cosplaying. But that’s all it is, cosplaying. They may have the looks and the décor down but you can never understand what a decade that you didn’t experience felt like, culturally, attitude wise, etc. It’s just a costume. 

I’m glad you’re moving back to at least semi-civilization. I don’t know how anyone with even half a brain and a modicum of empathy can handle life in a red state. 

I don’t agree that’s how it should be though. I’m with the Europeans who reopened schools before there even were vaccines. But I get that’s freaking a lot of people out.

Probably. Call it ‘more ethical’, or ‘less unethical’, if you will. And it’s still important.