
Immunocompromised and high risk students, staff and teachers should be allowed to stay home. Why does everyone have to stay home when only a small minority in the schools are actually at high risk?

and likely disposes of Steve and Miranda’s relationship for the umpteenth time

Herd immunity only works when everyone gets vaccinated OR infected. Or both. You know herd immunity existed before vaccines, right? How do you think the Spanish flu ended. Enforced lockdowns are never happening in the US, they didn’t before we had vaccines and they’re not going to start now, so it’s a moot point. And

I would argue those are less severe than the academic costs of virtual ‘learning’. Check out the studies out of Europe, and their closures were waaaay shorter than in the US but even that brief interruption had consequences and caused deficits that are still affecting kids. 

I do wish we were doing more for our teachers and healthcare workers though, whatever that means

No one is going into lockdown two years into this shit. Even the Australians are finally realising they couldn’t lock down forever and now infections are skyrocketing. There is no appetite, no energy. Look at the super strict lockdowns Europe had at the beginning of the pandemic. Compare with omicron where even if the

I’m a bit of an awards show junkie. Lie you said it’s fun and niche. And I fucking love the red carpet.

You can’t. You ride it out the best you can.

I meant unpopular around here. I’ve already gotten a few insults.

Unpopular opinion: schools should be the last thing to close. If we can still dine in restaurants, go to the gym, go on fucking cruises, schools should remain open. The cost - to kids, to parents and especially working mothers - is too high. Europe closed schools far less than the US and still the academic costs were

Yeah seriously. The reaction was even more ridiculous than the video itself. 

Speaking only for myself, If I got my boob fondled I’d rather get money in a civil suit than go through having to testify in a criminal trial for nothing because even if the guy got convicted, no one’s sending him to jail for touching a breast. Nor should they. Let’s not lose all sense of proportion here.

I don’t watch the BBC news that often, I read the BBC world news website for the most part. Maybe the newscast is more biased but still, it pales in comparison to any other mainstream newscast. 

You really think they lost all credibility? Name one major news org that has as much worldwide coverage as the BBC and that has more or even as much credibility and is as respected? I think for how long the tories have been in power and attacking them they’ve done remarkably well.

I know. My point is, when that happens, the responsibility isn’t only on the shitty partner, it’s also on the one that chooses to stay regardless of said shittiness. No one can solve her self-esteem issues for her. 

They say that the only constant in life is change, but whoever they are didn’t take into account Tristan Thompson’s ability to consistently embarrass his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Khloe Kardashian.

I live in the US too and I like NPR and PBS too, but they’re far less global. The BBC World News website is by far the best source for international news. They even have sections for different regions of the world, I can’t think of any other news platform that does this, and that does it this well. 

You  know when you start to resent your partner not for doing anything in particular but for the simple fact that they’re not right for you, for whatever reason. What’s missing from the article is the moment you realise that it’s on you, not them, and you’re misdirecting your frustration. I assumed that’s where the

I want someone to find all the videos.
