
Because the cop is a fucking ignorant racist asshole who only sees Black or white. Someone else could look at that same person and think they’re biracial. However people perceive them (which also varies according to personal bias), that doesn’t mean a person with one Black parent and one white parent isn’t biracial,

Yeah I think you can acknowledge colourism and light-skinned privilege without pressuring biracial people into identifying any other way than how they want. Some people like the biracial label. The way my cousin explains it, she uses it because growing up she always felt she was too Black for the white side of the

So true. T & G have some kooky/Goopy food and health beliefs too. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re anti-vaxx as well but at least they have the good sense to shut up about it and/or give in and get vaxxed when push comes to shove.

Full disclosure: I dislike everyone involved. Crisp Rat’s always been an asshole but she has a terrible track record with pets she mistreats and abandons, so fuck her too.

I bet she’s an anti-vaxxer.

I found out this dude existed when he got engaged to shaileen woodley, who i’ve always found annoying in that dumb California libertarian hippie way (and I’m also sure she doesn’t bathe regularly, I’ve heard rumors she smells). I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s an anti-vaxxer as well and their weird pairing now

The thing is, everyone is raising boys wrong. White women for sure but not it’s not just white men that are broken and raised in ways that guarantee they’ll never break the cycle. But that’s a bigger problem for another day.

LOL movies aren’t always made to give people what they want, or need. Not everything has to serve some greater purpose. Sometimes something gets made because the artists behind it wanted to make it. Larraín clearly has a thing for famously chic tragic wives. If you’re not into it, don’t watch. I don’t want art or pop

This is very true. But also, as a foreigner living here, you guys are extra and love to make everything into a thing. You can’t just be careful when you’re pregnant, you have to be the most careful pregnant women that ever lived and develop a whole side industry about scaring pregnant women into buying and eating shit

That was my first thought too.

That’s probably true. But I can’t judge because honestly I get it. I’m way more terrified of being severely disabled or brain damaged than I am of dying. It probably is rooted in ableism but it’s also something I feel very viscerally - I value quality of life, and my body’s ability to work the way it always has - more

It’s also insane to me how many otherwise intelligent, reasonable women are worried the vaccine will mess up their cycles and don’t bother doing enough research to realise that’s a risk with ANY vaccine, not just the covid shot, and so fucking what? It’s not a big deal. Your cycle goes out of whack once and then gets

Part of the problem is excluding pregnant people from trials, but part of it is also the amount of hysteria around pregnancy. Especially in the US. You guys really do treat it like a disease instead of a totally normal life stage. And the worst part is that attitude is spreading. 10 years ago, my friends in Europe

Tall, lanky, hung, laid back and funny/sensitive is a type, and you’re either into it or you’re not. I dated variations of Petes from about age 16 to 30. I think he’s cute and if I were 25 today I’d probably be crazy about him.

So is Andrew just not going to show up to his trial and have his lawyers defend him in absentia? 

Ok, John Mayer. 

I much prefer her as an actress than a singer.

I can’t wait to see it! If anything, it will be even better if it’s ridiculously camp and over the top. 

It’s a joke, people. Shannon is clearly being facetious.

$150K, worth almost 300K in today’s money.