
This. People really took the “Democratic donor” label to mean that this guy is some huge bigwig but he’s really not. He’s a pretty minor player. But like you pointed out, you don’t have to be a huge player to get away with this. Being white and having more money and privilege than the men he killed is all it took for

This is Jezebel in 2021. So yeah, not surprised they’re taking tabloid-esque leaps of the imagination. 

Fuck the unvaccinated. Maybe if we give hospitals and doctors the right to refuse to treat the unvaccinated who don’t have a valid medical reason for not getting the shot, people will finally do the bare minimum and get their fucking shot?

I think a public health crisis is one of the few times where personal freedoms can and should be curtailed. Personal freedom doesn’t exist in a vacuum. When your personal choices can literally result in other people’s deaths, I think government action is justified. 

Yup. Just like priests have been raping girls forever but no one gave a shit - or blamed the girls - until they heard priests were molesting boys. 


And water-marbling has been around for literally centuries, so I don’t see this lawsuit going anywhere. It sucks that these other brands chose to bring out similar patterns at the same time but there’s nothing illegal about that, shitty as it is. 

I dunno, there’s something very vacuous and performative about the whole thing.

I’m all for people being referred to by their pronoun of choice but being pissy because a publication didn’t refer to you by two different pronouns at once? Ummm yeah, no.

Sure, she/they gets to decide what bothers them but I think in this case, people are free to think it’s ridiculous. 

I’m sorry but this is making me roll my eyes so hard at Halsey. It’s one thing if they’d refered to her as ‘she’ if she/they said she preferred ‘they’, but to say your pronouns are ‘she/they’ and then get pissy because a piece only used one of those and not both? 

I’m with you and while I’m glad to see the return of sleeves that aren’t tight and stretchy, they chose the most unflattering style of sleeve to bring back (ok, it’s a tie with cap sleeves, which are pure evil). I have big boobs and my arms are toned but not thin. Fussy, voluminous sleeves make my upper body look

You know this virus isn’t going anywhere, right? We either live with restrictions for years, which I think is untenable (I mean, look at the shitshow this country is after 18 months), or now that we have vaccines and treatments, we have to learn to live with it, and recover some sort of semblance of normality.

Agreed. I’m pretty sure there’s more going on with her, not just her insatiable thirst. And the alcohol issues she’s talked about before. Not saying this excuses her but the whole situation sits wrong with me, including the outrage mob calling for her head.

Same. And though I never wished her death I said plenty of stuff about her anonymously, or to friends, that absolutely would have come back to bite me in the ass had they become public. 

A good story is a good story. Growth and redemption are not necessary components of good characters or a good story - though I would argue that both Ava and Deborah’s characters experienced growth in the first season. Plus, I hate moralizing TV with a ‘message’.

Yeah. I’m guessing Jez isn’t long for the world. 

Thank you.

If you’re vaccinated (especially with Pfizer or Moderna), even if you get the delta variant the chances of developing severe symptoms are almost nothing. I went back to yoga and pilates and actually one of the best things about it is that classes are much less crowded than before. I’d almost stopped going to in person

I wonder if they’ll ever address the fact that almost no one can comment anymore, or that most comments are suddenly invisible?