Conan the Librarian

This is not surprising. I would have figured it’d take Whitlock at LEAST an hour to pass one of his takes.

This is WAY too positive for this environment. let keep this a place of anger shall we?

soooooo...Apocalypse is Dick Chaney?

Can I get an A.C. Green?

This is some glib bullshit

That’s true. Hell, it could be a random bouncing puck that isn’t anyone’s fault that does them in but I think Hitchcock’s position is more defensible if starting Elliot than swapping over to Allen. Who knows though, its tough regardless when expectations are as high as they are for them and everyone would call for

Remember how 2007 was a nearly a decade ago? I’m going to go lay down

I think this is Welsh or something

He’s GOTTA go Elliot.... Given the Hitchcock’s Blues past playoff track record, if he goes Allen and loses, that entire organization and fandom might have a collective aneurysm

All the hate in this thread is impressive.

Oh i am a proud proud Chicagoan on this day. Its related to the pride I feel when I come into work on Monday and check the tribunes weekend Shot-to-killed ratio box score.

“When in doubt, side with a convicted child molester” seems like a solid policy

still waiting on those examples

Me thinks you doth protest too much

Democracy is why we can’t have anything nice

Gawker’s Law in full effect

“Here’s a list. I didn’t make it...and most of it is wrong....but whatever, I’ll be at the bank hammering those paychecks”

“This generation is soft and just talks tough on twitter”
-Man with soft career from older generation talking tough on twitter

A perfect example

Hell, I’m in Jail for less than that
-Jerry Sandusky