
And no wonder so much of this stuff takes place.”

Yes there have been hundreds and hundred killed due to terrorist attacks on US soil this year it’s unthinkable! Oh wait, that’s gun violence I’m thinking of, damn, too bad we can’t do anything about that...

People need to get it though their heads that if their neighbour has an abortion, it has exactly 0.00000% effect on their life.

Gee I wonder what the merits will be

No abortions for the poors makes sure that the wage slaves stay out there and are in full force.

People are literally attacking this Chuck character on Twitter claiming that the blood is on his hands for proposing a bill that 22 years later results in 1 man killing 8 people, and ignores the economic impact it has had on the country by bringing people of all backgrounds to the country to work. They also

Jesus or something stupid. Christian idiots lording over women because Bible. It is truly bullshit.

For what it’s worth, I’m with you. I think we should be having lots more abortions because too many people are having kids that can’t take care of them.

Great question! IIRC, The Browns had already planned on using him as a bargaining chip. Not sure though, would love to hear from someone who knows about it!

...and groped any woman within five feet of him.

Considering the majority of abortions are done because the mother is too young, financial reasons, enough children already, avoid adjusting her life (young professional), or single mother/poor relationship (91% as per research paper conducted by W.M. Robert Johnson), what exactly is the reason (excluding religion)

Horrible, horrible article!

Someone else’s blanket and an inherited bib

Dog-whistles are passe man. I think we’re at full on coaching whistles now.

When’s this 2nd amendment thing supposed to be used? I remember a presidential candidate bringing it up one time, but I can’t quite remember the context.

I want merit based

then reproduces, in which it reproduces and takes it’s halloween candy away for attention on the internet under the veil of poorly explaining how socialism works.

the cryogenic vat of General Tso’s Chicken sauce he sleeps in

A few sandwiches? This picnic shows up with nothing but a blanket and borrows everyone else’s food and then eats it all and declares bankruptcy.

I have to agree. Not electing someone who’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic would be a good start…