He also raped one of them, she woke up on the floor is his office with her pants off and Lauer’s assistant had to take her to the hospital, I’m assuming because he drugged her too.
He also raped one of them, she woke up on the floor is his office with her pants off and Lauer’s assistant had to take her to the hospital, I’m assuming because he drugged her too.
Soooo.... he drugged her too?
“Matt Lauer said he is “embarrassed and ashamed” after he was fired for sexual misconduct in the workplace.” caught.
that’s your choice, and that’s fine, but you can’t expect everybody to follow what you believe to be right and wrong, and to think otherwise is foolish.
uh, pretty sure it’s the black tears that are getting upset here, considering black tears wrote this article
so tell me why we have to live by your social construct?
according to retarded black people.... yes
fuck off they were singing along to a song, they just happened to get tapped doing it, it’s shit that happens every single day and it won’t stop, go pour some more sand in your vagina
“Don’t you hate that? Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it’s necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That’s when you know you’ve found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.”
Summed up perfectly.
The elevator in any apartment building is the worst, I currently live in a 150 unit building comprised mostly of older people, they are the worse for small talk.
Oh, some chilly out there today eh?
Yeah man, I get it, it’s fucking cold, it’s also winter on the east coast of Canada, where I have lived for 27 years, I…
Headphones in, avoid eye contact in lineups and on bus, problem solved.
Neighbours are different, you probably want to know if you live beside somebody who is cool enough to have a beer and watch the game, or somebody you should always make sure your doors are locked.
Thank god I’m not having kids, and therefore not picking up other peoples kids, all that money saved can go towards a real car instead of this soul sucking machine.
And who the fuck exactly is having more than 3 kids nowadays that they need 2 extra seats?
Well, what Prime Minister or President has ever had 100% of their country behind them? People are always going to hate, if their party isn’t in office, some of them will hate and criticize everything they do, even if at heart they think it’s good, they will bash the man because it’s not who they voted for.
Our doors are always open, you’re welcome to join us at anytime. Lots of cities to pick from, or you can go live in the middle of the nowhere in the mountains if you don’t want to be seen or heard.
This is a good way to sum him up:
For me album 1 side A is the best side of any record, I absolutely love it, Babe I’m Gonna Leave You does it for me everytime. Currently I own 1/3/4, need 2 to make it complete.
It goes Led Zeppelin 1,4, 3, 2.... Physical Graffiti, Houses of the Holy, In Through the Out Door, Presence, Coda
A large portion would suggest the majority of their material, are you going to sit here and say they stole nearly 9 albums worth of material?
They had a lot of cover songs, which does not imply stolen, it means cover songs. Other songs were such old folk songs that nobody knew who actually wrote the original song, so…