Donnie Storm

Yep nothing like making more trash and waste to preserve a bunch of ancient video games that are destined for a landfill. 

I don’t think you have to be wealthy to have $20.

Why don’t you buy Game Boy Colors for people, if it’s so important to you? Here’s one for $20:

lol, non-Americans assuming everyone they don’t like is American

Oh no, poor oppressed men that have small dicks! Whatever will we do?

God damn. White boys’ll cry about anything, even obsolete electronics.

boy, you don’t know what they do to women, minorities and lgbt+ do you?

Nice Alt Account Whateverdude6!

Really? Weird how you jumped to mentioning “liberal art education” without knowing anything of the sort.

What a very obvious and clumsy bluff, do you always do this fake indignation when called on your shit or do you reserve it for online? 

Projecting a lot here mate. Some serious small dick energy about yourself.

My opinion is valid

We don’t care. Focus on the fascists not the little dick comments

yesss!  your little dick tears only give me more power!

You can't play victim and white knight at the same time. I'm sorry for the way our society treats you but I'm not sure genitals are up for social re-evaluation while we still have massive sexism racism and varying other wealth issues. I myself am hated for being a failed academic. Maybe that will change one day but

Dude, all of this is literally why they gave us the “Dismiss” button. Use it, end the back-and-forth, and move on. Nothing more satisfying than deleting the comments of someone trying to get the last word on you.

He was just concern trolling and trying to control the conversation. Got heckled so hard he had to end it with a whimper.

Ascribing a meaning that’s not there and getting angry about that meaning is up to you to deal with, not others. 

Funny how you said you were no longer going to interact an hour ago isn’t it?

You’re absolutely right. I shouldn't body shame, but then again, fuck that guy for objectifying a woman based on her chest. 

Right, you’re just genuinely worried about men with small penises being unfairly stigmatised by a phrase that mocks egotism...