It’s our business where we give our money, and knowing where that money is going is part of being an informed consumer.
It’s our business where we give our money, and knowing where that money is going is part of being an informed consumer.
All that really needs to be said. Freedom doesn't mean freedom from criticism and social repercussions from your peers
I may dislike everyone in the list he backed (especially Mitch McConnel) but he has as much of a right to donate to them as I do to donate to democrat tickets.
Who is saying he shouldn’t have the “right” to donate to them? People are simply pissed because they’re finding out that money they gave him through buying his game is going to fund politicians that are trying to pass legislation that will take their rights away.
He gave to second-rate grifter Kimberly Klacik. If he legitimately believed Klacik, a suburbanite who lived nowhere near the district where she was running, was interested in improving the lives of the residents of West Baltimore, I have a bridge to sell him.
““I’ve never cared about anyone’s race, religion, gender, or orientation,” Cawthon wrote”
Despite the article being about and featuring pictures of terrifying animatronic monstrosities, the most disturbing image in the post is photo of Mitch McConnell.
Some of the kindest, most accepting, and most vocally anti-discrimination people I’ve ever met have been devout Christians. So have some of the worst, most bigoted jerks. Religion is a source of conviction and willpower. A believer with a good heart can take that and weather any storm to do right by their neighbors,…
that’s what we in customer service industry call a power play.
Aortic dissection causes blood to seep inbetween the artery wall layers, causing them to separate and eventually burst open in a way that’s incredibly hard to mend and heal from. It can happen really fast with no prior warning. It’s not really a heart condition exactly.
See that, right there, is the response of an asshole.
IGN having a bit of an “All Lives Matter” moment right now.
Except for the very obvious difference between the two situations.
The “Censorship” and “Freedom of Speech” crowd is real quiet about this one...
Tell that to Ethan
takes advantage of her looks to gain viewers.
Thank you for your article.
The merchant was last seen in Louisiana: locking guns and healing items inside of coin-operated cages, presumably in an effort to make them extremely inaccessible when they are most needed.
You don’t seem to understand how diseases spread.