
Once test drove a diesel Grand Cherokee.  Turns out the hose to the radiator had split, leaving us stranded on the side of the highway on a hot summer day for over an hour waiting for a tow truck.  No one from the dealer would even come to pick us up.   Definitely a sign not to buy the Jeep.

OMG, a photo-graph!  Every time I look at it it makes me laugh....  

I once lost my lights and basically all electrical components under the hood of the Barracuda due to a voltage regulator. Thankfully it died after I dropped off my passenger only 5 minutes from home and not in the busy downtown core where I was earlier in the evening. Car just died at a stop light, no lights, so no

We inherited one of these in wagon form from an eccentric relative who lived in Alaska. Flew up from Vancouver, BC and my dad drove the beast home with my mom, sister and I. One heck of a road trip! As it was brown, and rather uncomfortable it was dubbed the “$hitmobile”. Saw lots of amazing things that trip but

Today I got to take my daughter (turning 4shortly) for her first ride in the Barracuda. Tossed her Batman seat in the shotgun position, strapped it down securely and took some pictures for the special occasion. She’s the fourth generation of my family to get to enjoy the car. Also it was her first time sitting in

We need more Jalop-ized trophies. Something like “Best Camry Dent”, “Best Vehicle Ever (awarded to any/all manual wagons)”, “Best Vehicle to Ananomously Carry Baggies of White Powder” (you know, the ‘80s and all) and in honour of the very sweet Jurassic Park Explorer hiding in the leading photo, “Best Vehicle to

Turn signals located low in bumpers. Looking at you Chevy Bolt and Kia Sportage. Can’t see them in traffic as they’re basically where the bumper reflector goes. Terrible, terrible design trend.

Musk will just get to a point where he sells off Tesla to one of the major automotive players for some crazy sum. Tesla’s got great name recognition and some good technologies. Buying Tesla would allow a manufacturer who has next to no investment in electric cars to be able to jump in and become a major player

Just bought a minivan. Best feature: power sliding doors. Three year old can get into the and her car seat all by herself. No need for mommy or daddy to wrestle here 30lbs into the seat. It is wonderful. Also the German shepherd easily hops in and out and can sit in her preferred position between the kids. And

My Grandmother’s 1969 Plymouth Barracuda. She bought it new and drove it into the early 2000s. Only car I’d ever seen her driver. Was a real rust bucket from spending too many cold winters in Calgary, but man that car was awesome (still is awesome).

Conveniently also works for rats! No sir, that is not a rat in my yard but a very small stallion.

Conveniently also works for rats! No sir, that is not a rat in my yard but a very small stallion.

While I can’t envision what an LF-1 would look like, I’m sure the upcoming LF-NT will be a sight to behold! All greys and ivory tones on the exterior and man you should see the trunk on it!

I simply cite my handy and fun food guide: if it swim, flies or I can kick it a sizeable distance I don’t eat it. There is always the odd exception to the rule, but as a general rule of thumb it works well. Plus you usually get people playing the “does it fit in the rules” game with you.

Thanks to this alert last time I now own this set. Built it with my 3 year old daughter while I had the flu. Turns out building at 4 am with a high fever isn’t the best idea, but my daughter pointed out three pieces I had missed. Great time building it, great time teach and bonding with my daughter, great history

Thanks to this alert last time I now own this set. Built it with my 3 year old daughter while I had the flu. Turns

A carpooling co-work spilt milk on the back floor of the car and thought the cleaned it up.... fast forward a day or too later and there’s a horrible smell in the car. So bad I had to open the windows. Somehow survive the 45 minute commute, get home and start to gut the car. Check under all the seats, nothing.

Man are we getting popular on Jalopnik these days, eh? They are going to think we’re the Florida of Canada.... First iPad/iPhone steering wheel guy, now this...

I am a big beer drinker, and will drink just about any beer, but for the love of god I cannot stand a west coast IPA. Candian IPAs used to be okay, but as craft brewing has surged, the Oregon-style hopped to death IPAs have come north... they are terrible. Too much hops make it bitter. Can’t do it.

Not the Eastside, there’d be nuts.. Nah, this was more Granville and Davies area. Much safer to honk. I usually will beep at dumb pedestrians crossing after the hand goes solid.... so many people don’t care what the crosswalk sign means. Or run into the intersection as the light is changing, only to slow down and

Commutes daily to Downtown Vancouver, can confirm.

Definitely agree. Have a DJI Mavic that I haven’t played with too much due to living in the city. Got to go on a big work road trip around British Columbia and got to stop at some nice places with flew. Started in old unused soccer field, then worked up to a large river valley. It’s amazing when you get to switch