
My automobile fantasy involved a wagon, Torch and a jar of— oh jeez, we’re talking about actual car fantasies and not fantasies in cars!?

There’s a guy I’ve seen a few times around my parts with one of these in the Gulf livery...

I did this on a trip to Costa Rica with my wife. My niece was very excited and just before we left she snuck up to me, slipped a penny in my pocket and whispered “Buy me a monkey”. So we ended up taking her stuffed monkey on an Costa Rican adventure that we made into a book when we returned. It was a lot of fun.

Definitely agree about the voices. Thankfully she doesn’t know any better just how bad I am at the voices. Poor little one will always think the real Vader sounds funny.

As the owner and operator of a 2 year old, I must say reading should be added to the 0-3 category. We’ve always read to my daughter (well before she had any idea what books were )and it’s great bonding. We’ve moved from simple picture books with one word per page to ones that tell little stories and it’s amazing how

I’ve got a bunch of Hue lights around the house, and the dimmer switch is by far the easier/user friendly upgrade. I have one of their puck switches as well, but it’s not near as nice and friendly to use. My wife greatly appreciates the simplicity of the switch, especially the one mounted beside her side of the bed.

For Ice Rinks: New/weaker skaters usually stay near the boards so they can hold onto them if they fall. The ice closest to the boards is also the roughest as the Zamboni doesn’t actually fully scrape this area. Move 2 to 3 feet away from the boards for smoother ice and keep your knees bent for better stability.

There are for sale in Canada for $129 CAD at BestBuy in Canada, which when converted is $95 US, so a much better deal! Just need to make friends with a Canadian!

There are for sale in Canada for $129 CAD at BestBuy in Canada, which when converted is $95 US, so a much better

Co Creator I believe. Closest thing I could figure out at least. Really surprised someone got that plate approved. Guess we’re more twisted then the folks at the licensing department

My local BMW store has plates that are BJ1, BJ2, etc, which I always find amusing. But nothing comes close to the silver Chevy Malibu with the plates “COCR8R” I still wonder to this day if this person is driving around thinking people read his plate is “Co Cr8r” and not “COC R8R” and whether or not anyone has told