
Jays future looks really shaky... looks like they’re going to harness the young pitchers but unless they turn out to be like the 90's Atlanta Braves Starting 4 I don’t see Jays competing with Yankess and Red Sox the next few years... too many good young players coming from the Sox and Yankees farm... especially Sox

hah he gonna fit in perfect with all the Toronto fuck boys... expect to see him at lost and found or some other generic king west club bumping keys of coke

geez... he should’ve had child porn or raped someone :/

lol what is the thought process here: family gets verbally abused by ball player.... while driving home in their Pontiac Vibe they all decide to go home and make a clip on iMovie about how they were challenged to a fight.... where’s the “i’d like to speak to your manager” mom lolol

every single time apple takes something away.... everyone acts like Apple has gone and committed a war crime and every time it turns out fine and most companies follow their lead after... geez so over dramatic

How fast do the women pitch? The USA clip, the pitcher looked like she threw damn hard...

AL East is gonna be a dog fight.... goddamn I’m going to be an emotional mess before the post season even starts

I assure you.... based on the reaction of the media and white america.... he’s just another “nigger”

anyone got post game interview of gibbons and donaldson... they’re so petty to each other lol good stuff

of course.... but the separation from their peers and the longevity of both are what makes it not so clear cut for me and I def am not going on medals as its different, but of course 100m is basically super bowl of the olympics and with bolt’s dominance its understandable that people think bolt is the goat but phelps

I think Michael Phelps can challenge that... I don’t think it’s clear cut

yeah because we put these people on a pedestal because they did something good in one aspect of their lives, it makes it difficult to acknowledge the harmful things they do in an other aspect like your examples of brown and ghandi and I think Mother Teresa is another person you can fit in there

100% how we treat others... its ok to admire brown for what he accomplished in football but he was still a jealous possessive violent loser. Society is messed up we have grown men burning players jerseys like who the fuck cares??? my friend is 31 and he has posters of ronaldo in his room... I was just like dude you’re