Campi the Bat

According to M Live, the city’s police department explained its reason for not being on the ground from the onset... “

Blame Mitch. He has been obstructing everything that isn’t an unqualified judge since he and the other sociopaths gained control.

You’re not wrong. Congress is bicameral. If the senate decides not to give house-generated bills the floor for a vote, or take them up in committee, then nothing gets done. The house has been crafting bills like crazy for almost 2 years, now — nothing gets picked up in the senate.

casting a short,curvy, dark woman as Princess Diana would’ve been an interesting choice.

Fair point, tall blonde and slim is clearly not a brave new standard for Hollywood. I will say, though, that 6'3" is so tall for a woman that I’m sure women that height get treated unkindly, are subjected to stares and comments virtually everywhere they go, and many men who are under 6'3" (the vast majority) wouldn’t

Not so much a road trip tip, but Canada boarder crossing tip. They know you’re coming from Texas, so make sure to bring a firearm. If you don’t surrender one at the crossing they assume you’re hiding it, and it takes hours to search a car properly.

There are exceptions for immediate family members. She’ll have to quarantine 14 days though, and they do call and check. 

As a tall person I support making everyone taller on the crown, except of course whoever is playing Charlie, make him like 5’2” or something.

As a tall girl, 5'10", I love hanging out with other tall women. I fully support them chosing the awesome tall woman that I enjoyed watching in The Night Manager.

This is a very weird reaction to someone who probably agrees with you on this issue!

I’m just wondering why you live in this shithole country when you can live in Canada? 

So I’ve been wondering this more and more: Congress runs these hearings all the time but I feel like I never see any action taken as a direct result. Am I wrong in this? I feel like I never see in a report, “Such and such bill was a direct result of this or that hearing.” I know there are a lot of moving parts in

We’re fucked.

We all know what cops would do if a bunch of black protesters armed themselves like this.

Hearings are good and all (although I don’t have a ton of confidence in Democrats’ ability to land punches), and making Trump’s sabotage of the Postal Service a campaign issue is smart political strategy (Trump is unpopular, whereas the Postal Service is very popular).

While this is the most pressing issue, they could spend a little time in that “we stopped giving people that unemployment money and we can’t figure out how to restart it so they don’t all get kicked out of their homes” thing.

Defund the racist, militarized police. They are a threat to public peace and safety.

So if Harry defaults on the loan will the bank repo Wales?

Harry, you and your family’s wealth are built on colonialism and the slave trade. Plus your dad still pays for your security detail.

If it’s staff it’s an inside job.